Catch the Fire Ministries has changed its name to Reformation Harvest Fire Ministries

Nov 9, 2016- Jonathon van Maren Like many other writers I know, I’m rewriting this late on Election Night. This night is historic, and one of the reasons for that is we have no way of predicting where things go from here. President Donald J. Trump? Surely I am not the only one who chuckles at […]

October 11, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) An estimated 200 million women will not be celebrating International Day of the Girl Child today, because they are not alive. They were selectively aborted just because they were girls – victims of “gendercide.” Son preference runs amok in both China and India; both countries suffer from a vast gender imbalance, […]

8/20/2016, by Republican Wildcat WASHINGTON (CNN) — First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton held imaginary conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi as a therapeutic release, according to a new book written by Bob Woodward, says a report in Sunday’s edition of The Chicago Sun-Times. The first lady declined a personal adviser’s suggestion that she address […]

  The march commences at 1pm in the Treasury Gardens (meet at the corner of Spring Street and Wellington Parade) on Saturday 8th October 2016. Show your Support: Wear Pink and Blue See for more info.      

August 12, 2016  Christine Williams A journalist in Pakistan, who has been investigating the death of Samia Shahid from Bradford, has made a formal complaint to police about receiving death threats from a man on a British mobile phone, who identified himself only as Ali. Raja Waqar said he received five “disturbing phone calls” in […]

August 7, 2016 Robert Spencer “Afghan civil law sets the legal age of marriage at 16 for girls, yet 15 percent of Afghan women under 50 were married before their 15th birthday and almost half were married before the age of 18.” This is, at least in part, because of Muhammad’s example. Few things are […]

August 9, 2016 – Robert Spencer Theresa May banned me from Britain for saying that Islam “is a religion and is a belief system that mandates warfare against unbelievers for the purpose for establishing a societal model that is absolutely incompatible with Western society” — an accurate statement that I suspect Tiger Hanif, if he were […]

By Samuel Smith , CP Reporter – August 10, 2016 U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is welcomed onstage by Planned Parenthood Action Fund President Cecile Richards, as Planned Parenthood publicly endorsed Clinton in Hooksett, New Hampshire, January 10, 2016. image: The social conservative non-profit American Values Action, headed by former presidential candidate Gary Bauer, […]

The March for Babies in Melbourne commences at 1pm in the Treasury Gardens (meet at the corner of Spring Street and Wellington Parade) on Saturday 8th October 2016. Show your Support: Wear Pink and Blue See for more info.

Mark Ellis : Aug 2, 2016 : God Reports [God Reports] She was born into a strict Muslim family in the Middle East. Because she was born in the Muslim month of Ramzan, her parents named her Ramza. “I was a religious girl from my childhood,” she told Bibles for Mideast. “I was always in […]

August 1, 2016 – by Christine Williams Victims keep piling up, but leftist authorities continue to waffle in putting a stop to this lunacy. The plethora of news reports worldwide has long revealed a war against freedom, democracies and anyone considered an “infidel,” waged by Islamic supremacists who are indoctrinated into thinking they have a right to […]

June 30, 2016 – CBN News A group of Lebanese Christian women are picking up their rifles to defend their village from continual suicide bombings. According to Al Arabiya, these women are bearing arms after surviving a series of deadly suicide bombings that shook their village. The terrorists targeted the predominately Christian village of Qaa, […]

6/23/2016 Charisma News Staff A letter allegedly written by a Muslim woman warning the United States and other Western countries about the dangers of Islamic immigration is making the rounds online once more. Originally published in 2014, the letter claims to be written by an Egyptian woman who writes under the name Magda Borham. She writes, in part: […]

August 24th 2016 – Brisbane Times Tributes have begun flowing in for the British backpacker slain in a frenzied stabbing in north Queensland. Friends have described Mia Ayliffe-Chung as an infectiously happy young woman as news of her death in Home Hill, a rural town about 75km south-east of Townsville, spreads to her former home on the Gold Coast. […]

Sunday Services

Sunday service webcast will be every Sunday at 10am.
Address: 30 Star Cres, Hallam VIC 3803, Australia

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Weekly Schedule of RHFM Services in Melbourne
Sunday service at 10.00am,
Friday from 7-8pm,
Israel prayer Saturday 2-3pm.

Louis G Soll
Mob: +61 437 736 138

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