Catch the Fire Ministries has changed its name to Reformation Harvest Fire Ministries

Tuesday, 17th January 2017- Ellie Cooper Christian organisation Catch The Fire Ministries, led by controversial preacher Daniel Nalliah, has had its charitable status revoked allegedly for “speaking on political issues”. The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) announced the revocation on Tuesday, following a compliance investigation into the Victorian-based organisation’s activities and operations. The regulator is […]

October 11, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) An estimated 200 million women will not be celebrating International Day of the Girl Child today, because they are not alive. They were selectively aborted just because they were girls – victims of “gendercide.” Son preference runs amok in both China and India; both countries suffer from a vast gender imbalance, […]

Please watch & share this very encouraging video from American Vice-President Elect Mike Pence, who is a wonderful bible-believing Christian conservative.  

July 29, 2016 – Jack Kerwick Ask yourself this: In all of the gazillions of lectures and tirades (there have, as to date, been no genuine conversations) on slavery, have you ever heard of the names of John Currantee and Ephraim Robin John? Such names—and there are many, many more—belong to a racially incorrect history of […]

Leah Marieann Klett : Jul 12, 2016 : The Gospel Herald “We are always near the breaking-point when we care only for what is legal and nothing for what is lawful. Unless we have a moral principle about such delicate matters as marriage and murder, the whole world will become a welter of exceptions with […]

By Anugrah Kumar , Christian Post Contributor – July 24, 2016 Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in Southern California addressed racism in his sermon in the wake of the deadly ambush of police officers following the shooting deaths of African Americans, describing seven attitudes to racism and identifying the one which Christians should have. “Our […]

By Samuel Smith , CP Reporter – August 10, 2016 U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is welcomed onstage by Planned Parenthood Action Fund President Cecile Richards, as Planned Parenthood publicly endorsed Clinton in Hooksett, New Hampshire, January 10, 2016. image: The social conservative non-profit American Values Action, headed by former presidential candidate Gary Bauer, […]

July 20, 2016 – Jack Kerwick As was recently shown, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, with its central claim that police around the country are hunting and killing innocent black men, is a lie. Yet the BLM myth is enmeshed within a larger narrative, a narrative of eternal White Racism. And couched within this tale […]

Dear friends & family in Christ, Please sign this petition initiated by Senator Cory Bernardi. It is urgent as it gets tabled this week. Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act is being used to stifle speech on the basis it may offend someone, removing our freedom to speak about LGBTI issues and Islam.

July 8, 2016 – Robert Spencer Recently, a number of representatives from the Dream Defenders, Black Lives Matter and various Ferguson anti-police brutality protesters made history through a solidarity trip to Palestine. The purpose of last week’s trip was to connect with activists living under Israeli occupation. The 10-day trip to the occupied Palestinian Territories, specifically […]

Todd Starnes : Jun 21, 2016 : Fox News “None of us have endorsed Mr. Trump, nor have we condemned Mr. Trump. This is about the possibility of being able to appoint the next four Supreme Court justices. This is about the dignity of human life from the womb to the tomb. This is about […]

QUEENSLAND, Australia, June 15, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) The number of babies born alive during late-term abortions in the Australian state of Queensland every year more than tripled in ten years, Health Minister Cameron Dick told the Queensland Parliament as it considers a bill to legalize abortion on demand in the state. Abortion is illegal in Queensland […]

IJM Staff : Mar 9, 2016 : God Reports When officials explained that rescue had arrived, many couldn’t believe it was real. One government officer asked the crowd “Who wants to go free?” but he was met with a stunned silence. Slowly, one man raised his hand, then another. Soon dozens of tired hands shot […]

March 08, 2016 – EEW Magazine – Johnnie Moore Courtesy of Gospel For Asia In many regions around the world, women face consistent hardships from gender-based abortions to child marriage, forced prostitution, and modern day slavery. Gospel for Asia joins with the international humanitarian community in commemorating today’s International Women’s Day by lending a helping hand. GFA-supported […]

Shamiela Fisher & Emily Corke | CAPE TOWN/JOHANNESBURG – Cape Town Anglican Archbishop Thabo Makgoba says South Africa is in a crisis. Makgoba was speaking at a gathering of the Socio-Economic Future of South Africa initiative, being led by religious leaders, business and community organisations. Last week, the archbishop announced the formation of the initiative, […]

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Sunday service at 10.00am,
Friday from 7-8pm,
Israel prayer Saturday 2-3pm.

Louis G Soll
Mob: +61 437 736 138

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