US Vice-President Elect Mike Pence a bible-believing Christian conservative
3 Comments Published by Office 2 November 17th, 2016 in Abortion, Babies, Children, Christian Church Issues, Christian Persecution, Christianity, Freedom of Religion, Government, Jesus, Politics, Politics, Slavery, Social Justice, United States of America, WestPlease watch & share this very encouraging video from American Vice-President Elect Mike Pence, who is a wonderful bible-believing Christian conservative.
3 Responses to “US Vice-President Elect Mike Pence a bible-believing Christian conservative”
- 1 Pingback on Dec 26th, 2016 at 6:42 am
I have a vision that Mike Pence will be the moral power house behind the Trump administration. He is the chosen vessel of God to bring about what is going to happen. I saw in my vision that the sodomite people in America were becoming normal again and putting away their rainbow flags and glitter and signs because they were being freed from homosexual demons. I asked why is this happening? And I knew it was because of Mike Pence – because he believes in conversion therapy. Mike is able to believe that you can be converted from homosexual to normal, look it up you will see – this is good news. Just like 1 Cor 6:11 “such some of ye WERE.” No one is allowed to believe this anymore because of the blinding of the eyes and the gross darkness BUT Mr Pence will rise up to declare the truth.
There is great rebellion in the US with cities opposing Donald Trump, this is a great evil against the delegated authority of a democratically elected leader. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Hillary is a witch and her craft is at work so rebellion is manifesting over the US. Barack Hussain Obama is doing nothing to help the rebel violence stop, he should be calling for proper behaviour but he wont as he is a child of the devil and put homosexual colours on the white house – he is a rebel against God – this is the mystery of iniquity at work and the working of rebellion. It will be very violent if we do not PRAY A LOT.
We must pray a lot for Mr Pence and Mr Trump. Mr Pence or some one like him will be president one day too I saw in the vision because this is the beginning of what will happen now. This will happen throughout the western world and will get further now because it has started. We have to ask and seek and knock and keep knocking and sing and dance and declare and praise and worship and fast sometimes all at once so that the heavens will be opened and angels will be released to do everything and so that America will be great again then the Lord can return. We must pray at home and in prayer meetings and go to prayer conferences and have prayer convocations so the power of prayer will be multiplied so that the antichrist will not win at this time. I am raising my prayer flag.
On Sunday morning our pastor gave a powerful prophetic word about satan’s plan for the US and the destruction of Israel. All of this involved Hillary Clinton and how she would be the Jezebel of the end times. The prayers of the saints forced the powers of darkness to retreat and God’s man Donald Trump has prevailed. He is God’s agent of change to usher in a world wide revival.
Look at what the Bible says! King James Bible 1 Thess 4:16
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
The Bible says “the TRUMP of GOD” This is Donald Trump, he is OF GOD. The spiritually dead Christians will rise up and be on fire and there will be a huge revival as Jesus comes back.
Pastor gave this powerful prophesy and then we prayed and waved flags and popped balloons in the name of the Lord and we danced and waved ribbons and yelled at the devil to leave Donald Trump alone. I believe Malcolm Turnbull will get saved when he meets Donald Trump and Penny Wong will repent from being a lesbian and get saved and will become an evangelist to the gay community. She will even give her children for adoption to a childless heterosexual couple because the conviction of her sin will be so great.
Donald Trump being CHOSEN will be the beginning of all these wonderful things.