Catch the Fire Ministries has changed its name to Reformation Harvest Fire Ministries


We are a Prophetic and Apostolic Christian church, who believes ….

That Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God! God the Father sent Jesus Christ to our world to be born of man through the virgin Mary; (Isaiah.7:14; Matt.1:22-25) to know and live as a man, who did not inherit sin, but rather came as God’s gift to the human race; that whosoever believed in Him should not perish, being cut off from God by their sin but instead have everlasting life with Him (John.3:16)
We advocate and or support, and believe in:

  • The family unit, believing God created the Family unit; Father Mother and Children for the nurture and protection of the family.
  • The coming together of the brethren for fellowship, worship, instruction and encouragement. (Heb.10:25)
  • The preaching of the Gospel throughout the world, and as commissioned by Christ to do so. (Acts.1:8)
  • The funding of Mission both in Australia and overseas.
  • Feeding the poor and the practice of good works within the church and our community, as instructed by our Lord. (Prov.22:9; 1Tim 6:18; James 2:14-17)
  • The Bible as the inspired word of God, and that it should not be changed or added to in any way. (Deut.4:2; 2 Tim.3:16; Rev.22:18-19)
  • Water baptism, as in full immersion, preached and practiced by Jesus and his disciples. (Matt.28:19-20; Acts.2:38)
  • The baptism of the Holy Spirit of God, with the outward signs of speaking in tongues, as was released to the early church (Acts.1:5; 10:44-46; 19:6)
  • Jesus Christ is coming to take His bride (the Church) and to rule and reign for 1000 years.(Rev. 4; 20)
  • Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever.

Sunday Services

Sunday service webcast will be every Sunday at 10am.
Address: 30 Star Cres, Hallam VIC 3803, Australia

Quick Links

Weekly Schedule of RHFM Services in Melbourne
Sunday service at 10.00am,
Friday from 7-8pm,
Israel prayer Saturday 2-3pm.

Louis G Soll
Mob: +61 437 736 138

History of CTFM Court Case with Islamic Council of Victoria

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