Catch the Fire Ministries has changed its name to Reformation Harvest Fire Ministries

Lizzie Dearden- Sunday 16 October 2016 An American aid worker has been kidnapped by gunman in Niger, where he was helping local tribes overcome drought and food shortages. Jeffery Woodke was abducted from his home in Abalak by armed men who killed two guards before driving him across the desert into neighbouring Mali. The Youth With A […]

July 29, 2016 – Jack Kerwick Ask yourself this: In all of the gazillions of lectures and tirades (there have, as to date, been no genuine conversations) on slavery, have you ever heard of the names of John Currantee and Ephraim Robin John? Such names—and there are many, many more—belong to a racially incorrect history of […]

8/15/16 – Mark Ellis at God Reports The world was horrified when the Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram kidnapped 276 schoolgirls from the town of Chibok in 2014. But less coverage has been given to the kidnapping of more than 10,000 boys over the last three years by the terror group and their brutal coercion […]

June 13, 2016 – by Mark Ellis Jesus appeared in dreams to this descendant of Muhammad As hundreds of millions of Muslims fast and pray during Ramadan this month, with many seeking to grow closer to Allah, others are finding Jesus. “God is moving very powerfully using dreams and visions Muslims are having of the […]

8 June, 2016 – by Reagan Hoezee  The situation may seem hopeless, but the good news is these people haven’t been abandoned. “We have these two million people that are actually majority Muslim, but they’re consolidated into dozens of refugee camps all across that northern part of the country, and they’ve really become accessible for not […]

June 2, 2014 | Posted by A Moore The number of people enslaved by Muslims has been a hotly debated topic, especially when the millions of Africans forced from their homelands are considered. Some historians estimate that between A.D. 650 and 1900, 10 to 20 million people were enslaved by Arab slave traders. Others believe over 20 […]

George Thomas : Mar 9, 2016 : CBN News Shahid recently shared a picture showing him baptizing new converts to Christianity on the same shores of North Africa where the Islamic terror group ISIS beheaded 21 Coptic Christians in February 2015. The Middle East)—[CBN News] Shahid is proof that God is moving powerfully across parts […]

Bloomberg, Reuters | 10 March, 2016  Zimbabwe plans to start compensating mainly white farmers who lost their land and livelihoods during state-backed farm invasions that began in 2000 and triggered a near decade-long recession, the finance ministry has told MPs in a circular. Farmers may be compensated for “both land and improvements”, as well as […]

02-27-2016 – Christian Broadcasting Network The world’s deadliest terrorist group is not in the Middle East. It’s in Nigeria, where Islamic regime Boko Haram and other violent groups killed more than 4,000 Christians in 2015. According to a new report released by Open Doors, the death toll in the Northern part of the country has […]

Dear family and friends in Christ, 1) You may click the following link to read a very interesting article from Christian Broadcasting News titled ‘Groundbreaking Muslim Declaration Calls to Protect Christians from Persecution’. 2) For those of you in the Melbourne area, our monthly Rise Up Australia Prayer Meeting is this Friday 5th February […]

August 7, 2015 | By: Heather Clark A former Muslim imam in Africa is sharing his story of how he converted from Islam to Christianity and now preaches Christ to Islamists throughout his country. World Watch Monitor recently released the video testimony of a man who once was taught to persecute Christians as a Muslim and […]

August 7, 2015 | Filed under: Persecution,Top Stories,World | By: Heather Clark A former Muslim imam in Africa is sharing his story of how he converted from Islam to Christianity and now preaches Christ to Islamists throughout his country. World Watch Monitor recently released the video testimony of a man who once was taught to persecute […]

Nicole James : Aug 26, 2015 : Operation Mobilization (Egypt)—Ali*, a local worker, has one goal for his life: to wash Egypt with the Word of God. Before 2017, he hopes to distribute two million Bibles to Egyptian Muslims. He hands out Bibles by the carton-full, according to team leader Jared*. “Ali is not afraid, […]

September 6, 2015 – By Robert Spencer “The Blugs say two men, who looked to be of Moroccan descent, knocked on the door to their apartment, claiming to be the police and demanding entrance….The assailants threw the couple on the floor, kicked them repeatedly and shouted: ‘Dirty Jews – from now on your property is […]

September 4, 2015 – Nonie Darwish Western media is reporting on the Muslim refugee crisis as a humanitarian problem that the West must deal with. But where are the media’s questions about the huge financial and land resources available to oil rich Arab and Muslim countries? Where are the Islamic solutions in this equation? The […]

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Sunday service webcast will be every Sunday at 10am.
Address: 30 Star Cres, Hallam VIC 3803, Australia

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Sunday service at 10.00am,
Friday from 7-8pm,
Israel prayer Saturday 2-3pm.

Louis G Soll
Mob: +61 437 736 138

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