Catch the Fire Ministries has changed its name to Reformation Harvest Fire Ministries

January 4, 2017 Geert Wilders, a member of Parliament in the Netherlands, shares some POWERFUL words about Israel! As he says, “Let’s be honest, Israel is a beacon of light in a sea of Islamic darkness.” He feels everyone should stand with ANYONE threatened by Islamic Jihad, but that people should ESPECIALLY stand with the […]

Dear Family and Freinds. This is the Light Fm Radio Broadcast for the Australia National Prayer Day held on Thursday the 26th of January 2017 at 10am.

Dear family & friends in Christ, Hope you all have had a good Christmas break and are now ready to take on 2017. Let me share some very good news. Jesus Still is our greatest healer and always will be! A few months ago, I was asked to pray for a 12 year old girl […]

James Robison- 10/11/2016 Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could live to see Jesus’ prayer in John 17 answered in our day through yielded lives? I believe the stage is set for the next Great Awakening, and we are blessed to have this opportunity to be a part of it. Since I first met Mr. Trump […]

The only way we can describe the 3 nights of worship is ‘Absolutely Awesome’! On Friday , Saturday & Sunday many gathered to wait upon the Lord in worship and intercession for our nation and the nations. Everyone came out to the altar and spent hours in worship over the 3 nights. The presence of […]

Dear family & friends in Christ, In the past few weeks I have hardly slept at night as I have been waking up and spending 4-5 hours in travailing prayer for the lost souls. My wife told me that I was making noises and then shouting, “RISE UP and the name of JESUS!” Yes, she […]

TORONTO, Ontario, July 4, 2016 ( – A Catholic contemporary Christian band from India has sold out two venues in the Toronto this coming weekend with a hard-hitting message aimed at youth. Rexband is the musical outreach of the Jesus Youth Movement, which sprang up in Kerala, India’s southernmost state when many charismatic youth groups […]

We’re very pleased to announce that Evangelist Daniel Krestianto from Indonesia will be ministering at CTFM Hallam on Sunday 21st August at the 10am worship service. He is the senior pastor of Ark of Christ Ministries (AOC) which has branches in 15 cities across Indonesia. AOC is also the Apostolic Oversight for Faceless Generation Ministries […]

by Mark Ellis : Aug 2, 2016 : God Reports “I opened my eyes like waking up from a dream. I saw the nail marks in His hands…” [God Reports] She was born into a strict Muslim family in the Middle East. Because she was born in the Muslim month of Ramzan, her parents named […]

June 13, 2016 – by Mark Ellis Jesus appeared in dreams to this descendant of Muhammad As hundreds of millions of Muslims fast and pray during Ramadan this month, with many seeking to grow closer to Allah, others are finding Jesus. “God is moving very powerfully using dreams and visions Muslims are having of the […]

News Staff : Apr 5, 2016 : “She said, while he was praying, she saw Jesus Christ and He touched her with His nailed hands. At once, something went away from her body and a light covered her…” In their own words a Middle Eastern convert to Christianity shares the amazing and miraculous way […]

Dear family and friends in Christ, Please watch & share this video message (in 3 parts) from Dr Robert Mawire prophesying over Australia, it’s destiny and the upcoming federal election 2016. Part 2 Part 3 Dr Robert Mawire (from the USA) is a prophet of God who has prophesied over many governmental leaders […]

Dear family & friends in Christ, 1) We thank and praise God for His mighty presence at the meetings in Perth last weekend. The RUAP campaign launch for WA for the upcoming federal election was very well organized by the WA State executive team and was well attended. The National President of RUAP, Ps Daniel […]

Che Ahn : Feb 16, 2016 : Charisma News Bob Jones was a crusty, eccentric prophet. Well before he passed away on Valentine’s Day 2014, Bob gave a prophetic word sharing three signs that would take place before the arrival of a Billion-Soul Harvest. Back in 1983 in Kansas City, he prophesied: that in America […]

  Dear family & friends in Christ, On Easter Sunday morning when Ps Daniel arrived at church, two of his pastoral team met him at the door and told him that the son of one of the members in church was critical on life support in hospital. The 15 year old young man had fallen some 6-8 meters […]

Sunday Services

Sunday service webcast will be every Sunday at 10am.
Address: 30 Star Cres, Hallam VIC 3803, Australia

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Weekly Schedule of RHFM Services in Melbourne
Sunday service at 10.00am,
Friday from 7-8pm,
Israel prayer Saturday 2-3pm.

Louis G Soll
Mob: +61 437 736 138

History of CTFM Court Case with Islamic Council of Victoria

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