Catch the Fire Ministries has changed its name to Reformation Harvest Fire Ministries

Dear family & friends in Christ,

In the past few weeks I have hardly slept at night as I have been waking up and spending 4-5 hours in travailing prayer for the lost souls.

My wife told me that I was making noises and then shouting, “RISE UP and the name of JESUS!”

Yes, she is right as I was battling principalities and powers of darkness in my dreams.

It was intense warfare for children and marriages, as many marriages are breaking up and children are the greatest victims.

I had several dreams. Let me share a  few.

  • I was taken into a court room where the judge was about to rule in favour of a divorce. The children of this family were crying. Then I entered and started travailing in prayer. Many people manifested with demonic spirits and were set free. The couple suddenly reconciled.
  • In another dream I was taken into a funeral service where people were crying.  As I entered the place, praying in tongues. The dead man rose up in the coffin. First the people were very confused, but then fell to the ground and gave their hearts to Jesus.

  • Then I entered a place where there were many people demon possessed. There was much screaming and shouting, but then all were set free. So many people were delivered by the power of God.
  • After this the Lord took me into several homes and I saw myself rescuing hundreds of children.

The Lord then led me to read Isaiah 59:19.

“From the west, people will fear the name of the Lord, and from the rising of the sun, they will revere his glory. For he will come like a pent-up flood that the breath (RUA) of the Lord drives along.”

(Commentary –The coming of the Lord will be irresistible like a rushing torrent, that no enemy can stand against.)

When I woke up, I knew God was about to show up in full force.

In response we have called on 3 nights of worship at CTFM at 30 Star Crescent in Hallam, starting at 7pm each night on Friday 7th Oct, Sat 8th Oct and Sun 9th Oct.

(Sunday 10am service will be on as usual).


Bring the sick, depressed, oppressed and the broken hearted as we’re trusting God for a mighty outpouring of His Spirit.


7 Responses to “Does God still speak through dreams & visions? by Ps Daniel Nalliah / 3 nights of Holy Spirit Fire in Hallam – Come Expecting A Miracle”

  1. 1 Alan and Bev

    Danny bless you in these endeavours this blessed us greatly. We are both struggling healthwise but expecting a mighty outbreak and move of God. Love in Jesus Alan and Bev.
    Keep us informed of your movements this way Thankyou

  2. 2 Dawn

    Dear Ps Daniel,
    I was very encouraged by your dreams God gave you!
    I have dreams from God often and know the power of them.
    God Bless, Dawn

  3. 3 Gerrie

    When I read Pastor Danny’s dreams,I prayed that he would release what they contained into Australia.

    I also had a dream this morning, my husband and I were in a place with snow,we were crossing a road,and somehow had made a huge man in a car angry,he got out to speak to my husband,he then turned his attention to a lady, he was threatening her, I kept asking her if she was allright,he got very angry with me and was towering over me,he was about to strike me, I knew he would kill me. I closed my eyes and prayed very quietly under my breath and bound the demon,he stopped, then I told him to get to his knees, which he did in the snow, I led him in prayer to repent, I started to do this quickly but he wanted to pray longer and really connect with God.

    He said when he finished, never put Gerrie’s life at risk.

    I then met Pastor Norm Armstrong,I was telling him about what happened, he was asking me questions, he said he was going to kill you. I told him I had to get him to drop to his knees lower than me,it was about taking dominion.

    Yesterday I was wearing a wedding crown,I felt to do this as a prophetic act, while sitting there wearing it I was listening to Kat Kerr, she said she heard these words being shouted in heaven GET YOUR CRIOWN ON, it is time to rule.

    Many blessings,

  4. 4 Brian

    I have been waking or cannot go to sleep even when I am tired unless I keep praying over many areas peoples and nations as well as Israel. It’s a must even when walking the dogs twice a day it has increased so much my wife said she cannot understand how I pray so much . It is prophetic intercession I have just found outa few days ago after reading a prophetic word from Elijah List 3 days ago. Brian

  5. 5 Anon

    Dear Pastor Daniel,

    Your first dream below spoke directly to my situation. I praise God for your dream and I hope it was meant for my wife and I. I covet your prayers because my wife left me and abducted our children and hardly lets me see them. I have confessed everything I can think of to her, mostly relating to me being too controlling in our relationship, but she unlawfully denies the kids access to me and avoids me like I am a leper. I have resisted going to court and getting an order for the kids to see me because it will prove to her I am controlling and will harm chances for reconcilliation.

    She doesn’t want to reconcile with me and has asked me to communicate to her via a solicitor. I have been petitioning God daily with importunity (as per Luke 11:8-9) for His Will to be done which is for reconciliation as He hates divorce. I have been claiming Luke 18:8 for God to avenge me speedily.

    I hope and pray that your dream was a sign for my marriage to be restored !! I look forward to being able to give God all the glory for restoring my marriage and being a witness to others of His goodness and power.

    God Bless

  6. 6 Kerry

    How awesomely wonderful is this news today. I so wish I could join you in 3 days of worship. I am so far away. I will be praying for you all during this time. I love hearing what is happening in Melbourne and what God is doing and today to read your email I found myself becoming so excited and encouraged.

    I have felt quite flat since my friend passed away but today I got a real pickup.

    Just want to say thank you.

    God Bless.

    Love, Kerry

  7. 7 Dawn

    May our Lord and Saviour continue to bless your ministry. Dawn

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