Catch the Fire Ministries has changed its name to Reformation Harvest Fire Ministries

Nov 9, 2016- Jonathon van Maren Like many other writers I know, I’m rewriting this late on Election Night. This night is historic, and one of the reasons for that is we have no way of predicting where things go from here. President Donald J. Trump? Surely I am not the only one who chuckles at […]

  The march commences at 1pm in the Treasury Gardens (meet at the corner of Spring Street and Wellington Parade) on Saturday 8th October 2016. Show your Support: Wear Pink and Blue See for more info.      

The March for Babies in Melbourne commences at 1pm in the Treasury Gardens (meet at the corner of Spring Street and Wellington Parade) on Saturday 8th October 2016. Show your Support: Wear Pink and Blue See for more info.

Following is a recent post from RUAP facebook, including a Herald Sun article titled, ‘MPs may be given free vote on late-term abortion Bill’. Benjamin Franklin once said that, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” In Victoria, that statement applies to many who DON’T even get to […]

On October 10, 2008, the Victorian Parliament passed the Abortion Law Reform Act, one of the most extreme abortion laws in the world. This law eliminated all legal protection for Victorian children until the moment of birth. In remembrance of this shameful day, we gather to march for the babies who never see the light […]

Dear friends & family in Christ, You may click the following links to watch the 1st & 2nd segments of Rabbi Cowen from the Faith, Values & Politics Institute interviewing RUAP National President Daniel Nalliah, Rosalie Crestani and Lord Christopher Monckton.    

Dear friends & family in Christ, 1) You may click the following link to listen to an excellent radio interview that RUAP National President Daniel Nalliah recently did on a Jewish radio station in Caulfield (Melbourne). Please note that his interview starts at the 7 minute mark, although the first 7 minutes is well […]

Dear friends & family in Christ, What a Almighty God we serve as several thousand PRO-LIFERS in demonstrating God’s victory of LIGHT over darkness, LOVE over hate & LIFE over death at March for Babies last Saturday in Melbourne. Well done Liberal MP Bernie Finn for organising and leading the march, also the 200 or […]

Dear friends & family in Christ, The annual March for the Babies is this Saturday 11 October in Melbourne. This march for life is held on this date to mark the passing of Victoria’s awful Abortion Law Reform Act on October 10, 2008. With the Victorian election being held at the end of November, now is […]

Dear friends, Father’s day has, more than ever, revealed the need for reconciliation in families, the Nation. There is much more than one generation of fatherless children in Australia; from convict days throug…h Gallipoli to the present era. Take, for instance, the hurt and parental rejection written on the fifty or so faces that “fronted […]

Dear friends & family in Christ, On Thursday 28th of August, Pr Daniel was informed that the World Congress of Families Conference did not have a venue for their conference on Saturday 30th of Aug, as 3-4 different locations had all cancelled their bookings because the protesters got to the venue owners and threatened them […]

Dear friends & family in Christ, Further to the report we sent over the weekend about The World Congress of Families organised by Endeavour Forum and held at Catch The Fire Ministries Centre in Hallam (Melbourne) on Saturday 30th August, following are some more media reports. After his return from […]

Dear friends & family in Christ, You may click the following links to read various media reports about The World Congress of Families organised by Endeavour Forum and held at Catch The Fire Ministries Centre in Hallam (Melbourne) on Saturday 30th August. All of the major TV media outlets should […]

by Ben Johnson – March 26, 2014 ( The issue of sex-selective abortion is often raised by pro-life speakers, at pro-life rallies, and on pro-life news sites. It is seldom discussed on national late-night television by pro-abortion presidents. But Tuesday night, former president Jimmy Carter called the issue “the worst human rights abuse on earth” […]

Dear friends & family in Christ, 1) According to a recent Facebook from Bernie Finn, Chairman March for the Babies, there will be a Police investigation regarding the opposition at the March for Babies in Melbourne. “I’m delighted to say I have received a response from Chief Commissioner Ken Lay who has readily agreed to […]

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