Catch the Fire Ministries has changed its name to Reformation Harvest Fire Ministries

October 3, 2016 – by Robert Spencer “Yasir Mohib denies a hammer was involved but admits assaulting his wife….But he fears his family will be punished too if it means he is deported to Pakistan. His family do not want to be split up and deportation would mean his two New Zealand-born wives and their five […]

NewsFamily, Gender Sep 13, 2016 NEW ZEALAND, September 13, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A new hard-hitting video exposes the gender identity crisis and explains how in the name of tolerance, diversity, and freedom that children and families are deliberately being targeted. Produced by Family Life International NZ, the video, Family Planning’s Manufactured Gender Identity Crisis, delves into […]

May 22, 2014 ( Michelle Kaufman, New Zealand Correspondent The desire of a New Zealand bishop to use the new documentary about homosexuality and the Catholic Church, “The Third Way”, as a teaching tool in his diocese has come under fire by gay advocates. Bishop Patrick Dunn of Auckland said the film is “thought-provoking for all […]

Robert Spencer May 21, 2014 Everyone involved in this story seems to take for granted that “jihad” has something to do with violence against Infidels. Yet in the U.S. we are constantly told that that is something that only greasy Islamophobes think. No doubt Ahmed Rehab is jetting to Auckland as we speak, so as […]

General Immediate Media Release –23rd April 2014 From the Daily Telegraph, “This Friday, in two rugby matches featuring rival New Zealand and Australian teams, the national anthems will not be played. And all because of some crazy rule book that says they can’t.” Let’s get this straight. This Friday, April 25th – for many […]

Dear family & friends in Christ, We praise, thank and give all the glory to God for the following 3 powerful testimonies. I am sure you will be blessed to hear about them. 1) Several days ago, a young woman who was four months pregnant and had booked in for an abortion with her partner, […]

by Michelle Kaufman, New Zealand Correspondent – Aug 19, 2013 1 AUCKLAND, NZ, August 19, 2013 ( – More than 30 same-sex couples have “married” over the last 24 hours, as New Zealand’s Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act has come into effect. Despite little debate, and strong opposition, politicians chose to pass the Marriage […]

Call to Prayer Ministries International – May 8, 2013 “We can only believe that God has indeed used ‘the extraordinary prayers of His people’ around the world to bless America!” -David Rowsome (Unanderra, Australia)—A world-wide call to pray and fast for the USA went out from Australia and New Zealand on 25 April 2013 from […]

Dear fellow Australians, Today I want to salute our ANZACS for their great dedication and commitment as they fought for our freedom, also their willingness to lay their lives down, so that we could enjoy the freedoms we have. These brave ANZACS took the fight right into the enemies’ territory and thousands laid their lives […]

by Carolyn Moynihan Fri Apr 19, 2013 – Life, Family and Culture News April 19, 2013 ( – Wednesday night (April 17) 77 people changed the institution of marriage in New Zealand from a conjugal union with the potential for generating children and providing them with the nurture of their own mother and father into “a […]

Dear friends and family in Christ, For those of you in the Melbourne area, we’re very excited to personally invite you, your family, friends and neighbours to join our very special worship services this Sunday 21st Oct at 9:30am & 6:30pm, as Prophetic Minister Robert Mist from Millennium Kingdom Ministries based in New Zealand, will […]

New Zealand Herald ^ posted on Saturday, August 04, 2012 by gareththomasnz Conservative Party leader Colin Craig has sparked outrage by saying homosexuality is a choice and gay people are more likely to have been abused as children. The comments on TV3’s The Nation this morning came in a discussion with Labour MP Louisa Wall over […]

by Michael Ireland : Jul 4, 2011 : ASSIST News “The Kiwis are amazingly attentive and responded [to the Gospel] in a way that quite frankly shocked me.” -Greg Laurie (Auckland, New Zealand)—In what has been billed as the largest outreach of its kind since Billy Graham visited New Zealand more than 40 years ago, […]

Foxnews – Posted on Sunday, May 15, 2011 New Zealand parents are outraged after learning some schools are helping to keep teenage girls’ abortions a secret, the Sunday Star-Times reports. One mom is angry that her 16-year-old daughter had a secret abortion allegedly arranged by a school counselor. “I was horrified. Horrified that she’d had […]

Dear family & friends in Christ in Australia and around the World, Please pray for the people of Christchurch, New Zealand, that God will help them persevere through this shaking and draw them closer to Jesus as Lord, Saviour, and soon coming King! Pray especially for all families who have lost loved ones, that they […]

Sunday Services

Sunday service webcast will be every Sunday at 10am.
Address: 30 Star Cres, Hallam VIC 3803, Australia

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Weekly Schedule of RHFM Services in Melbourne
Sunday service at 10.00am,
Friday from 7-8pm,
Israel prayer Saturday 2-3pm.

Louis G Soll
Mob: +61 437 736 138

History of CTFM Court Case with Islamic Council of Victoria

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