Catch the Fire Ministries has changed its name to Reformation Harvest Fire Ministries

The family rejoicing with Pr DanielDear family & friends in Christ,

1) 3 weeks ago Pastor Daniel received a call from a lady who was very desperate and crying on the phone. She told him that her 4 year old daughter had been having terrible seizures for the past 4 years and that it was getting worse. This lady was very desperate and helpless.

She told Pastor Daniel that they had tried everything for her to get better, but nothing was working. Her little girl was not sleeping properly at night and had to be constantly watched. Even the medication prescribed by the doctor was not helping her.  However, this lady had faith that Jesus could heal her daughter.

A few days later the mother, father and the 4 year old girl came to Catch the Fire Apostolic Centre in Hallam. After the night service the family introduced themselves to Pr Daniel. He took them into the prayer room and started praying for the family.

As he was praying the Lord showed him that the mother of the 4 year old girl was cursed by someone, while the baby was in the womb, and that the curse had affected the baby. So he encouraged both the mother and father to repent and ask God forgiveness for any anger, bitterness, hate, offence or unforgiveness they might still have in their hearts.  They very willingly did so from their hearts.

Then the Lord prompted Pr Daniel to prophetically cut the umbilical code in the Spirit, which connected the baby to the mother’s womb. As he did that immediately the heaviness lifted off the family and there was an instant breakthrough. Then Pr Daniel carried the little girl in his arms and prayed for healing.

Last Saturday, two weeks later, Pr Daniel with his wife visited this family.
Glory to God, for the first time in 4 years, the little girl has had no seizures and has slept very well all through the night for the last two weeks. Additionally, the parents had no need to give any medication to their daughter.

The father of the little girl said, “My wife had hardly a proper night’s sleep for 4 years. She had been very tired and angry at times, unsure as to why this was happening to us.  But, glory to god, we know that Jesus has healed our daughter through you Pr Daniel. I got my family back after 4 years!”

Last Sunday, the family came to church and Pr Daniel felt in his heart that the little girl needed deliverance. Thank you Jesus that at the service at the altar in front of more than 100 people the little girl manifested demonic spirits and was set free in the name of Jesus!

The mother and father both shared their testimonies of how God did an amazing miracle in their lives and has given their little girl back to them.

Please pray for this young family as they need much prayer and help to see them walk in victory. Also make sure to pray for the little girl, as she has been tormented for 4 years with seizures. On Saturday night the little girl was listening and watching gospel songs on a DVD, praising and worshipping God.

Pr Daniel stated, “I believe that God is going to use this family mightily to bring glory to His name and through their powerful testimony many will come to Jesus!”

Jason Golden
Evangelist – Catch the Fire Ministries

11 Responses to “Amazing miracle – Girl healed from seizures”

  1. 1 Patricia

    What a wonderful testimony!
    God bless

  2. 2 Hazel

    God Bless you Pastor Danny!


  3. 3 Lyn

    Praise God. Praise God. Praise You Lord. Fill us with greater faith Lord.

  4. 4 Phil _ Sydney

    A Fantastic and AWESOME Story

    All Praise and thanks to God

    God bless the family and Catch the Fire members


  5. 5 Kiran

    Praise the Lord everyone I am the father of this child and will be sending in our full testimony to catch the fire ministries soon for all to hear of the greatness of our Lord, God and Saviour YESHUA. My daughter is doing very well now we are so relieved and starting to live a normal life. She sleeps well at night without medication. I thank the Lord for this miracle for now even my wife sleeps well at night which she could not do since the birth of our daughter Shalom. It used to be a torture for us before but now since she is delivered from the spirit of seizures we share a lot of love and laughter at home. I thank the Lord for Pastor Danny who because of his obedience and faithfulness to the will of God can be used as an instrument by the Lord to bring deliverance to so many people around the world. I pray that the Lord bless him and his family mightily in all that they do and that the presence of the Lord be with them as a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day. I pray the numbers 6: 24-26 blessing upon Pastor Danny and his family ” The Lord bless thee and keep thee, The Lord make His face shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee, The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace”.

    Shalom b’Yeshua ( Peace in Yeshua),


  6. 6 Dorothy

    Always so wonderful to receive these amazing testimonies. Thank you and may the Lord continue to increase in the wonders He pours out in your midst. Danny is an encouraging inspiration.



  7. 7 Paula

    I must tell you, Catch-the-Fire team, that the blessings of God are overtaking me! Still!!! Ongoing blessings!!!

    I was asking God why he keeps taking me back to your Church, as every time I think I will not come back, there I am again, and He said that it will be my place of belonging. How amazing is that? But… he has to purify me as it is a place of purity. Well, God is faithful and He will finish what he started.

    Thanks for embracing me into your beautiful congregation.


  8. 8 Stephen

    Dear Catch the Fire team, awesome testimony. Praise the Lord. May God continue to bless and increase the ministry.

    Regards, Stephen

  9. 9 Rachel

    Keep relying on the truth that the Ruach HaKodesh reveals. People do get set free when the umbilical cord is cut. They are to become their own person in their own right. That then gives the mother and the child to make free will choices. Prayfully in the absolute will of the Father. Praise Yah for the great answer to prayer and continual answers. Let us all encourage each other to stay in the complete word of the Father.



  10. 10 John & Heather

    ‘Good friends are like stars……..You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there.’

    Particularly internet / email friends.

    May God richly bless you and keep you safe in His loving arms.

    John and Heather
    Jireh Way Ministries

  11. 11 Bev

    This encounter reminded me of the man whose son kept rolling into the fire and foaming at the mouth, and how the LORD JESUS delivered the boy. May GOD BLESS YOU for using your anointing to reach the sick and oppressed of the devil, like JESUS ‘came to heal all that were sick and oppressed of the devil’. So many Christian Churches do allow JESUS to be ‘the same, yesterday and today’ and don’t believe in deliverance. I know we do not need to allow the demons to manifest, but sometimes this is good for believers and non-believerss to see that there is a real devil out there and to see that the problem needing deliverance is not just in our imaginations.
    Keep up the good work of the LORD PASTOR DANIEL AND TEAM.



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