Catch the Fire Ministries has changed its name to Reformation Harvest Fire Ministries


Rev Dr Daniel Nalliah


Pastor Daniel, better known as Evangelist Daniel was born in Colombo the capital of Sri Lanka in 1964. At the age of twelve he knew that the Lord had called him into ministry, when Pastor Frank Houston (from Australia) prophesied over him in Colombo in 1976, but he did not take it seriously.

At a very young age he started playing for a band and spent 6 years in night clubs and hotels across Sri Lanka as a drummer. Pastor Daniel always says, “My Mum never gave up on me, she kept praying for my salvation”. Six years later her prayers were answered.

The lead guitarist of the band gave his life to Jesus, and the change in his life touched Pastor Daniel to such an extent that a few months later he also gave his life to Jesus.

Three months after experiencing salvation he came across his first trial during the communal violence in Sri Lanka when he was confronted with a mob who wanted to kill his parents. But praise God, his prayer as a new Christian was answered when the mob left without touching anyone. That day he said, “Lord, I will serve you as long as I have breath”.

He started his church-life wanting to serve the Lord. His first job was to clean the church for 2 years, then he spent time with the youth and became a youth leader. From here the Lord raised him up to be a Sunday School Superintendent, Cell Group Leader, Cell Pastor, Regional Pastor, Church Board member and then into Church planting.

In 1987 he met his life’s partner and married Maryse who was part of the worship team in his church, and they started serving the Lord together in many remote towns in Sri Lanka. A couple of years later, they were blessed with a son followed by a daughter (Nigel and Shannen), then 15 years later in 2007, the Lord blessed them with their 3rd child, Brianna Hope.

In 1995 along with his family, he through his job placement moved to Saudi Arabia and soon started working with the underground Church. In this nation, where Christian worship is a number one criminal offence, Christians can be given the death sentence for even worshiping at home.

His life story is recorded in his book titled, WORSHIP UNDER THE SWORD. Pastor Daniel saw God’s mighty hand at work right in the heart of Islam. He lived with his family just 40 minutes driving time away from Mecca, and served the Lord for 2 years. Here he received from the Lord a real love for the Muslim people.

Pastor Daniel and his family were most miraculously saved from death and torture twice. He says, “If not for Jesus being alive, we would not be alive”! His testimony has touched the hearts of many all over the world. While in Saudi Arabia, following an encounter he had with Jesus on 21st July 1997 (from 3.40am to 6.00am), in obedience to this, he decided to move to Australia and set up a base known as Catch The Fire Ministries Inc.

He was the spearhead in a campaign which resulted in the establishing of a law titled “FREEDOM FROM RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION” which was signed by Bill Clinton on 18th November 1998 in the US Parliament, and has now become a voice for the persecuted Christians worldwide. He has spoken to many Congressmen and officials in Capital Hills State Department and National Security Council. He has also spoken in the British and Australian Parliaments.

He was very much instrumental in securing the release of 31 Christians who were arrested in Saudi Arabia in 1998. His work influenced the highest levels in the US Government, when Bill Clinton personally requested the release of all prisoners.

He has travelled to many countries in Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa, USA, Australia and has ministered to crowds of more than ten thousand people. He has seen thousands come into the Kingdom of God during these meetings and many blind, deaf, dumb, crippled people healed by the power of God. He also writes in his book of a dead girl who came back to life, when he prayed for her in Jesus Name.

He and his family are now citizens of Australia. He lives here and ministers across Australia. He is responsible for RISE UP AUSTRALIA, a national prayer move which is sweeping across Australia, with more than a hundred churches involved, and around one thousand people participating in these prayer meetings.

From 2002 to 2007, Pastor Daniel was in the centre of a court case for freedom of Religion and Speech in Melbourne, Australia, when the Islamic Council of Victoria took Catch The Fire Ministries to court on vilification charges in 2002. By God’s grace after 5 years the case was thrown out by the Supreme Court of Appeal. Had he lost the case he might have had to spend 6 months in jail. When asked by the media what he would do if sent to prison, he replied, We will start a prison ministry and win those souls to Jesus. This court case brought him into the public arena with coverage from almost all media outlets in Australia and some overseas such as BBC, CNN & CBN.

He has tirelessly campaigned against Abortion and Vilification laws in Australia, overseas, and was instrumental in organizing many demonstrations outside Parliament in protesting against these laws, which was widely covered by most of the Australian media.

In 2007 he was nominated for Australian of the year. He has been a real voice for the voiceless and is not ashamed to stand strong for the righteous values of God based on the Bible. He states, “In a politically correct society we need to be Biblically correct”.

Pastor Daniel also received his Honorary Doctorate of Divinity Degree from St Thomas Christian College in Jacksonville, Florida, USA. Dr Jackson officially conferred this degree on him and then pronounced, from today you shall now be called Dr Daniel Nalliah.

Rev Dr Daniel travels and preaches the Word of God all across Australia and overseas in all denominational churches and in many non-Christian public forums.

He is the President of Catch The Fire Ministries Inc. This ministry is totally dedicated in making the Lord’s last command it’s first priority. Matthew 28:18-20 (Go therefore into all the world and make disciples) Around ten thousand people now receive the ministry newsletter in addition to 2,500 hits per day on the website at

He very often states, I had my credential with AOG (Assembly Of God), but I’ll always have a mandate from KOG (Kingdom Of God). My first priority is KOG.



Our Vision

To reach people from all walks of life and bring them into the Kingdowm of God.


Our Mission

To take the good news of the gospel from town to town, city to city, state to state, country to country and proclaim the name of Jesus through prayer and action.


The Initial Vision – RISE UP OR PAY THE PRICE!


“Dear Family in Christ,

On April 9, 2000 at 5:00am while in Ethiopia the Lord Jesus Christ woke me from sleep and spoke about Australia. He very clearly told me, Son, if my people will rise up and be proactive, they will stop the disaster which is coming on the land. But if my people sit back, relax and be reactive they will pay a heavy price to take back their land spiritually. He then spoke to me through (The Bible) 2 Chr. 7:14 and said, Gather my people across the land together and tell them to humble themselves, repent, pray and seek my face in one accord, then I will heal their land. This was the start of RISE UP AUSTRALIA prayer meetings.

We do thank God for this mighty prayer move now beginning to sweep the land. While it means regularly travelling and ministering in many towns and cities across Australia, these prayer meetings are just so exciting. This move, which refuses to compromise the Word, enables the Holy Spirit to unite hearts under His anointing. Now currently operating in 40 cities here & in South Africa, USA, New Zealand & UK, we are being invited to start these prayer meetings in many more cities across Australia. I thank God for a great team He has brought together to lead this prayer campaign. This team is sold out to build the Kingdom of God, not their own personal empires. Six years ago the Lord spoke very clearly with me about the spiritual plans afoot to divert Australia from God’s full will and purpose in this hour. We will see spiritual revival in Australia ONLY THROUGH PRAYER;  (THE DISASTER CAN BE AVERTED ONLY THROUGH PRAYER and UNITY)

My family and I lived and ministered for 2 years in Saudi Arabia, only 40 minutes driving time from Mecca, the holy city of Islam, where we were most miraculously kept and protected from being captured and executed for preaching the word of God. I believe the Lord took us into the heartland of Islam, then to Australia to alert the nation of the immediate need to PRAY, AND STAND UP FOR OUR CHRISTIAN HERITAGE AND FAITH IN JESUS.

Many Christians around the world believe that ‘Allah’ of the Muslims is the ‘God the Father’ we serve. I must advise that this is not correct. Allah is a common term for any god in Arabic. However, the Allah (God) we serve as Christians is not the Allah Muslims serve.

Due to this fact, many Pentecostal Pastors in countries across the world joined with leaders of all religions to pray in the name of god after the disaster in America. God very clearly tells us in His word, “That no man can come to the Father unless through Jesus Christ, His Son” – so how can we afford to pray together with those who do not believe in the Son? What should we do? Many well-known men of God (“Which god?) prayed and not once was the name of Jesus mentioned as they prayed.

There is one thing I know, we cannot compromise the Gospel in order to maintain status quo. We need to boldly stand for what we believe. Come on men & women who know God, don’t compromise in order to maintain your reputation. Stand up for what you believe. If not, we will lose the Christian heritage of our homeland of Australia.”

Sunday Services

Sunday service webcast will be every Sunday at 10am.
Address: 30 Star Cres, Hallam VIC 3803, Australia

Quick Links

Weekly Schedule of RHFM Services in Melbourne
Sunday service at 10.00am,
Friday from 7-8pm,
Israel prayer Saturday 2-3pm.

Louis G Soll
Mob: +61 437 736 138

History of CTFM Court Case with Islamic Council of Victoria

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