Smith Wigglesworth’s Prophetic Word of Australia’s Mighty Revival
84 Comments Published by Office 2 November 19th, 2011 in A Call To Action, Australia, Bible, Christian Church Issues, Courage, Healing, Miraculous Testimonies, Prayer, Prophecy, Revival, Rise Up AustraliaDear family & friends in Christ,
Over the last weekend Pr Daniel ministered at a Four Square Gospel Church and an AOG church in Sydney, Australia where more than 400 people in all attended the 4 revival services.
The Spirit of God moved mightily at every service, with many receiving a fresh touch and supernatural encounter from the awesome presence of the Lord Jesus Christ!
I am sure many of you have heard, that at the beginning of the 20th century, Smith Wigglesworth prophesied about Australia’s mighty revival and how God will use Australia to impact the nations.
3 years ago Pr Daniel ministered at the same AOG church in Sydney, where he just preached over the weekend. The Senior Pastor of this church was Pr Norm Armstrong, who is now 95 years old. Pr Daniel feels that now is the time to share what happened at that meeting 3 years ago.
As Pr Norm got up to introduce Pr Daniel to preach to the congregation, he suddenly came under a great anointing of the Holy Spirit, and started sharing about what happened when he was a young boy.
He said, “My father was a Salvation Army officer who sold insurance policies for a living. One of his customers was an elderly lady who would all ways tell him, ‘Son you need to be baptised in the Holy Spirit’. One day the lady got him through the Holy Spirit, he was baptised in the Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues. This resulted in him having to leave the Salvation Army. Then my father went on to start a Pentecostal gathering at our home. Our home was possibly one of the first places in Australia in the early 1900’s where the Holy Spirit was free to move.
I was only a very young boy when my Dad told me one day that a man called Smith Wigglesworth was coming to minister in our home, and that he was a mighty man of God. We were all very excited. The day came, and our house was packed out with people. I wanted to get a good look at him and the only place was the toilet seat, so I went in there to watch him preach.
Suddenly, Smith stopped preaching and told me (Pr Norm) to come out of the toilet. Then he laid hands on me and started prophesying over me.” He said, “Australia you have been chosen by God for a great move of the Holy Spirit. This move of God will be the greatest move of God ever known in mankind’s history and will start towards the end of the 20th century and move into the 21st century. This move of God will start a great revival in Australia, spread throughout the whole world and usher in the second coming of Jesus. This will be the final revival before the coming of the Lord.
God will rise up a man in Australia who will lead this move of God under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This man will bow down to no one other than God. He will have tremendous favour in the nation of Australia.
My son, my (Smith Wigglesworth) eyes will not see this man, but you (Pr Norm Armstrong) will meet this man before you go to be with the Lord. Now I will lay hands on you and pass on the mantle of God for this great mission. When you see this man place your hands on him and prepare him for this mission and pass on this mantle.”
Then Pr Norm Armstrong turned and looked at Pr Daniel Nalliah and said, “You are that man I have been waiting for so many years, come here.”
Pr Daniel stated, “I was so excited to hear the Word of the Lord from Smith Wigglesworth as I was so longing to meet someone who could confirm it. I was absolutely shocked when Pr Norm called me out. I fell on my knees and started sobbing and crying in the presence of God as the presence of God was so amazing at that moment.”
Then Pr Norm laid hands on Pr Daniel and passed on the mantle as instructed by Smith Wigglesworth. He then lifted his hands up to heaven and said, “I am now ready to come home.”
Pr Daniel stated, “From that day onwards we have seen an amazing wave of healings and miracles in our ministry. It was so good to be back at the church where I received this great prophetic word from a true soldier in the army of God.
I pray, Lord please help me to fulfil this great commission. I honestly don’t feel worthy of this honour. Often I think, Who am I? I am a simple donkey for Jesus. I am so happy to carry Him wherever He wants to go. Lord Jesus, let your will be done. I am willing to go all the way. No turning back.
Please pray for me and my family that we will stay humble, but bold to carry out this great commission in the name of Jesus for our nation Australia and the nations of the world.
On Sunday the 16th of Oct 2011 after preaching at this same church, I thanked all the people of God, including Pr Norm, Pr Ruth and the leadership for giving me the opportunity to minister and also for the word I received from Pr Norm. I was so very encouraged as many people remembered the prophetic word.”
Let’s unite together as the Body of Christ to Rise Up Australia and the Nations of the World to Catch the Fire of the Holy Spirit before the 2nd Coming of our reigning King of kings and LORD of lords!
84 Responses to “Smith Wigglesworth’s Prophetic Word of Australia’s Mighty Revival”
- 1 Pingback on Oct 19th, 2017 at 10:33 pm
May the Lord continue his work in you Pastor Danny. We over here in the West are praying for a change in our Nation. I see the work you are doing and am much encouraged, when the time comes we will all stand and be counted RUA!
Much blessings, power and authority to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful word of God’s anointing on Pastor Daniel. Praying for him and his family. Rog and Dawn
Thanks… I remember Pastor Danny sharing this account at what was called ‘On the Edge’ church in Toowoomba, back in 2009. It was very exciting and i’m thrilled that Danny has now made this public. Blessings, Jo
Good word…..there are several people who’ve been in my life who were involved or knew Smith or saw him. One of these men, Gill Georges,who passed away at 881/2 11 yrs ago saw Smith in action,.His grandson is Ps Mal Fletcher, currently in Europe. Mal bears a very strong resemblance to Gill. Similar passion for the LORD.Gill would cry under the anointing.Strong faith.
The 2nd was Loma Ball’s husband Walter who went home last yr at 90 1/2. Walter had Smith/s daughter Alice stay in his house several times in the UK.Walter was a wonderful student of the word/prayer, ask Loma about him.
The 3rd was Glynn Jones an elder from Rich aog who passed away 2yrs ago at 90 who preached in the Welsh countryside with Smith.Glynn shared>Smith was a man who loved people, loved to witness.
So there have been many seeds sown. Smith brought Pentecost to Aust and NZ.
I will continue to pray for Ps Danny for wisdom,holiness, lovely word.
I am reading on Mother Theresa at the moment. A woman who clearly heard from God, stayed with the plan/vision,was humble and changed the world.A v v poor lady, yet God looked after her. She had faith.Mary Micillop like her. St Francis, the list goes on
Bless you, Andrea.
Brother Jason,
I have heard and read about Smith Wigglesworth’s prohecy.
I have been observing and reading the emails update from Catch the Fire I discussed with a sister who also knows Pastor Danny.
I must now say yes and surely, Pastor Danny is the man Smith Wigglesworth prophesied about.
His fearless approach to the things of God and the impact of how God is using him is the evidence.
I just got back from Sydney on Saturday. I planned to visit Pastor Danny and family but I couldn’t cause my visa was late and circumstances didn’t allow me to take that trip to Melbourne from Sydney. I was a bit disappointed but I will plan properly ahead of time and come In my next holiday.
Many blessings in Jesus
Hi Danny,
I agree with what is said in the email below.
I also got an anointing as I read it because God was telling me that I am part of it.
Thank you,very encouraging…
Blessings, Forde
That’s amazing to hear that Jason. I will be praying for Pr Daniel to keep walking in the Lord’s way and bring as many people as he can to praise the Lord, our Saviour and Our King,
God Bless
Kind Regards,
Ps Danny, Pls keep your focus on God the Father and through the Son Yeshua HaMashiah your miracles will be done. The Ruach HaKodesh will comfort you and reveal the Truth of the word to you. Trust the Lord in what He says. Yes stay humble I am praying the same prayer for myself. Go in the protection of the word and work the Lord has already prepared.
hi there that is just ever so cool
Hi Ps. Danny
I was wondering if you have any information regarding revival amongst the Aboriginal people. I am currently in Alice Springs supporting an Aboriginal ministry that is believing they are about to break through in this region also I had a dream last year and in it a guy said to me that the next great move of God was going to start in Central Australia and as I am typing this I am getting a witness from the Holy Spirit.
Praise the Lord for these words and the prophesy.
I feel I have to share something with you.
On Saturday night last I had been praying about 12.30am…I was very discouraged and quite depressed as I felt I could not break through a ceiling in my life, despite being a Christian for fifty something years……I felt a sort of despair and really didn’t know HOW to pray about it…I tried to pray in tongues but it wasn’t effective and i knew only the Holy Spirit could break the yoke….about 1.30am or 2am my prayer changed. I felt the Presence of the Lord and began to pray for Pastor Daniel and for his ministry in Sydney the following day and as I prayed I felt the increase of the Spirit upon me and began to speak in tongues…a very beautiful and gentle tongue…..then I fell into a deep sleep and woke totally without the despair and sense of depression I had on the Saturday…I felt I had to pray for Pastor Daniel as he travelled and minsitered; for the people but especially for safety for him and for surrounding angels.
I do not know if this has any meaning for him or if it was something just for me from the Lord. I thought I would pass it on anyway.
God Bless you all
Danny we love Norm. he was the first pentecostal minister Alan ever heard over 30 years ago in Sale Vic. at CRC, and we have seen him many times since. What a soldier of God. God bless you Danny as you fulfill His service. Think of you often, when coming to Brisbane let us know, Alan has not been in the best of health. love in Jesus Bev. and Alan
Alan & Beverley
WOW!!! Thankyou for sharing this amazing prophecy with us Pastor Danny and Jason. I have no doubt that it is true, and we are receiving the same words about Australia’s Mighty Revival here in Darwin at our RUA prayer meetings.
I have no doubt also that you are the one God has chosen to lead this movement Pastor Danny, for your humility, zeal and great Faith in the Power of God. I don’t know anyone in Australia who has managed to bring Christians from all the different denominations together as successfully as you have and I thank you for making us, as devout Catholics, feel welcome.
God Bless you all at catch the Fire and we will keep praying for even more Anointings of the Holy Spirit in this GREAT SOUTH LAND!!!!!
Love Jan and RUA in Darwin
I will always remember Smith Wigglesworth because he died the year I was born and I too that God has put a great anointing on my life that I hardly feel worthy to carry it. I have a great love for the nations and preached in many places. Wherever God sends me I will go but only if He says so. He has been before me always and had people waiting for me wherever I go. I stand in awe of my God and that he brought me from the United Kingdom to Australia. I stand in awe of my God. Please pray for the nations especially in these last days. IOt ws my privilege to go to Israel, Turkey and Greece this year. It was like seeing the bible come alive even those countries are not walking with the Lord now it was like walking in Pauls footsteps and seeing where the 7 churches are mentioned in reveleation and the teaching of John. What a mighty God we serve. If He can use me he can use anyone.
Brother – this news is more than incredible. We really need to catch up.
Thanks Ps Danny.. very much appreciated for your prompt response. Love seeing you here.
I have read your newsletter about Smith Wigglesworth.. that was so awesome. HE is an awesome GOD !
I am booking an accommodation in Darling Harbour closer to the Parade, so you can rest prior to the Parade, Ps Danny.
May HIS blessings shower you and your family.
Amen and amen. So be it in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
With all our love and prayers in Christ,
His Carlo & Paula
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Dear Jill and Br. Jason
After emailin you items per my joint email about 20 mins ago, I then opened my new ems and read the one about the tremendous word to Pr. D. Nalliah and about Australia thru Pr. Norm Armstrong thru Smith Wigglesworth. (sent Jill’s at watchmen…)
Writing to say that PR. NORM ARMSTRONG was the LEADER of that meeting in Melb. at the “Assembly Hall” at which I v. consciously repented and asked Jesus to be my Saviour and Lord and thereupon received the Holy Ghost baptism, for which He had caused me to hunger, praise the Lord.
A Messianic Austrian Jewess, whom I’d just recently met again on a Collins St. tram going to work there, took me to the meeting. Pr. Norm and team representing Oral Roberts’ ministry came 3 monthly to the Assembly Hall in Collins St. for healing/revival meetings, I learned then for the 1st time: Praise God. Of all the people I’d met overseas, I saw they spoke with authority and knew what they were talking about. A film of OR in healing tent ministry was shown, people being joyously healed. After the HS Baptism spontaneously in the prayer room, I desired to be immersed in water, read the Bible again and go to a sound Church; and did so. Was completely delivered from nicotene at the HS Baptism, PTL, graced with love for souls. Halleluyah.
Praise God
What a “donkey” He has prepared!
One to carry the Lord Jesus across our great land & beyond.
Blessings in Jesus
Dear Ps Daniel
The article in which you shared the prophesy that Ps Armstrong gave for you is an amazing encouragement and promise of God’s abundance for us all.
Thank you so much for your reply and offer of dates. I have relayed this message to our Pastor Paul who should respond to you in order to settle a date for you to bless us and others who come along to Bethel on the day .
May God bless you increasingly
There have been numerous confirmations regarding God healing me and using my for His Glory.
We are being sent to Australia, for this End Time Revival ! The timing and season is right! It in Now!
God bless you,
Hi Danny
This is so good!! Praise the Lord!
God bless you and lead you into all that He has for you and Australia. Just keep your eye on the track that He is taking you through…… follow that track. There could be many other good tracks, but are not the ones that you should take. Will be praying for you.
Love to Maryse and the children and to you.
A powerful confirmation. I pray that I be part of this great revival. I will pray for the ministry.
Just wanted to say we rejoice what the Lord has blessed you with,Smith Wigglesworth is one of our heroes,
we pray that the life and glory in the mantle shall increase and increase upon your life Pastor Daniel.
Praise be to God. My husband and I were so excited to hear this Word of confirmation concerning Pastor Danny. We have been praying for Pastor Danny since he came to our church, New Life Worship Centre 2 months ago. I knew in my spirit that Ps Danny would be used to help bring in this great last day mighty revival to Australia. And that is awesomely confirmed through this post concerning Smiths Wiggleworth. We will continue to lift Ps Danny up in prayer as he fulfills this wonderful mandate from God. We are also excited what God has been doing in your church, and pray one day we can come to Melbourne to worship and fellowship with a church who is walking in the uncompromised Word of God…thankyou for setting an wonderful example of true biblical Christianity.
Dear Pastor Daniel Nalliah and Catch the Fire Ministries,
Praise and thank God for your devotion to Christ. I am grateful for all correspondence.
Am responding to this email particularly as I have returned fromTor onto (Canada) Spirit-led Prayer conference (Terri Copeland Pearsons and Patsy Cameneti- ministers) to Bellingen, NSW
where I live. I told people at the Toronto conference about Pr Danny and ‘Catch the Fire’ and especially a Sri Lankan prayer warrior, who lives in Toronto, ‘Sue’.
After the conference, I visited my step-father in Pennsylvania, who insisted I bring back ‘The Power of Faith’ by Smith-Wigglesworth. The whole trip was incredibly blessed by God, and am excited to receive this email as further confirmation of God’s timing.
When I first met Pr Danny in Bellingen, I spontaneously began praying in tongues and have continued praying in tongues since. I was also blessed by giving to ‘Catch the Fire’ Ministries in ways that challenged me, and then I received in ways that I could not have imagined. ‘Catch the Fire’ and Pr. Danny remain in my prayers. Thanks be to God for you and how my spirit has been quickened.
I am forwarding this email to contacts in Canada, my step-father and others close to me who are interested. Have communicated with my church, Bellingen CLC, Pr Paul and his wife Cate. I recognise a responsibility to connect and communicate my experiences.
Psalm 61: 1-2 (Quoted in Spirit-led prayer mtg on-line 20th Oct 11) “Hear my cry, O God; attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
God bless you and keep you!
In Christ,
A powerful confirmation. I pray that i be part of this great revival. I will pray for the ministry.
Dear Pastor Daniel Nalliah and Catch the Fire Ministries,
Praise and thank God for your devotion to Christ. I am grateful for all correspondence.
Am responding to this email particularly as I have returned fromTor onto (Canada) Spirit-led Prayer conference (Terri Copeland Pearsons and Patsy Cameneti- ministers) to Bellingen, NSW
where I live. I told people at the Toronto conference about Pr Danny and ‘Catch the Fire’ and especially a Sri Lankan prayer warrior, who lives in Toronto, ‘Sue’.
After the conference, I visited my step-father in Pennsylvania, who insisted I bring back ‘The Power of Faith’ by Smith-Wigglesworth. The whole trip was incredibly blessed by God, and am excited to receive this email as further confirmation of God’s timing.
When I first met Pr Danny in Bellingen, I spontaneously began praying in tongues and have continued praying in tongues since. I was also blessed by giving to ‘Catch the Fire’ Ministries in ways that challenged me, and then I received in ways that I could not have imagined. ‘Catch the Fire’ and Pr. Danny remain in my prayers. Thanks be to God for you and how my spirit has been quickened.
I am forwarding this email to contacts in Canada, my step-father and others close to me who are interested. Have communicated with my church, Bellingen CLC, Pr Paul McGovern and his wife Cate. I recognise a responsibility to connect and communicate my experiences.
Psalm 61: 1-2 (Quoted in Spirit-led prayer mtg on-line 20th Oct 11) “Hear my cry, O God; attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
God bless you and keep you!
In Christ,
Hi All at Rise Up Aust. Please don’t send me any emails until December as I am out of credit and will be going to Israel next week. Great news for Ps Daniel God bless you all. Regards, Rosanne
I have always been inspired by the story of Gods work through Smith Wiggles Worth, He was one obvious example of the way that one is able to walk as a true son after Jesus (the pattern Son) who goes about doing the Fathers business.
We are all called and anionted by the Same Spirit to live out that same life not as clones but as different parts of the one Body / Jesus manifesting through his people in the earth and so ushering in His Kingdom bring life to to dying world.
Dear Pastor Daniel,
I am sending you a seed amount of $163.10 to sow into your ministry as I believe your ministry is very good soil for healing and salvation. I was listening to Joan Hunter on the Sid Roth program and God spoke to me about what she was talking about. I have included the poster a staff member at my school helped me with to help you understand what I am on about. This is obviously about healing but I am using this also to claim a harvest of salvation for my family. Some years ago God gave me the scripture Acts 16:31 for my family. This has yet to eventuate but I have not lost hope for them all. Through sowing into your ministry, which God has told me to for this, I am asking your ministry team to join me in agreement on Acts16.31 for my beautiful family. God bless you all. I am hoping to get down to Melbourne soon.
Dear Pastor Danny; When I read about the mantle being handed to you, shivers ran down my spine, as for 3 years now I have felt deep in my spirit that you are most definitely the man God has chosen to return Australia to an awareness of God – and not only an awareness, but the man to inspire belief, reverence, and a hunger for God and His work and place in our lives.
I am in my 60’s and since I was a child of 6 or so, have felt The Holy Spirit close to me – sometimes with feelings and information that I didn’t understand until many years later; but in the past 3 years your name has been continually in my thoughts when I ponder on Australia’s position spiritually, and what God intends to do about it.
So praise God! He always raises up His man for the task. One to inspire and lead, and this confirms my belief this is most definitely you. May The Holy Spirit guide and protect you Danny. You have managed to raise the hopes of many Christians who have been looking for a prophet for NOW. These are testing times, and we must all stand together, as the End Times approach. And they are – of that I am certain.
Thank you for your courage, and God Bless you and your family.
Hello Catch the Fire Ministry
Thank you for the emails you send. I have been based in London since 1970 when the Lord directed my steps here. I am an Australian and have known the Armstrong family for my early years. Pastor Norm’s brother, David, lived in my hometown Cairns and his father was resident at the Commonwealth Bible College where I studied for the ministry.
The last time I saw Pastor Norm was in Wellington in NZ the night before I left for travel that eventually brought me to London. Pastor Norm prophesied that the Lord would lead me and bring me into ministry and use me for the Lord’s glory.
From time to time, through your emails, I have not only been able to hear of what is happening in my country but has brought news of old friends and acquaintenances.
The news of Pastor Norm’s passing into glory has brought a mixture of joy and sorrow – joy because Pastor Norm is now in the presence of the Lord he loved and served but sadness that yet another person I know has gone from the circle of people that are part of my own background.
Thank you again for the emails sent out.
The following is a stunning vision given to American preacher Tommy Hicks (who was a
major figure in the powerful 1954 Argentina Revival).
My message begins July 25, about 2:30 in the morning at Winnipeg,
Canada. I had hardly fallen asleep when the vision and the revelation
that God gave me came before me. The vision came three
times, exactly in detail, the morning of July 25, 1961. I was so
stirred and so moved by the revelation that this has changed my
complete outlook upon the body of Christ, and upon the end-time
The greatest thing that the church of Jesus Christ has ever been
given lies straight ahead. It is so hard to help men and women to
realize and understand the thing that God is trying to give his
people in the end times.
I received a letter several weeks ago from one of our native
evangelists down in Africa, down in Nairobi. This man and his
wife were on their way to Tanganyika. They could neither read nor
could they write, but we had been supporting them for over two
years. As they entered into the territory of Tanganyika, they
came across a small village. The entire village was evacuating
because of a plague that had hit the village. He came across natives
that were weeping, and he asked them what was wrong.
They told him of their mother and father who had suddenly died,
and they had been dead for three days. They had to leave. They
were afraid to go in; they were leaving them in the cottage. He
turned and asked them where they were. They pointed to the hut
and he asked them to go with him, but they refused. They were
afraid to go.
The native and his wife went to this little cottage and entered
in where the man and woman had been dead for three days. He simply
stretched forth his hand in the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ, and spoke the man’s name and the woman’s name and said,
“In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command life to come
back to your bodies.” Instantaneously these two heathen people
who had never known Jesus Christ as their Savior sat up and immediately
began to praise God. The spirit and the power of God came
into the life of those people.
To us that may seem strange and a phenomenon, but that is the beginning
of these end-time ministries. God is going to take the
do-nothings, the nobodies, the unheard-of, the no-accounts. He is
going to take every man and every woman and he is going to give
to them this outpouring of the Spirit of God.
In the book of Acts we read that “In the last days,” God said,
“I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh.” I wonder if we realized
what he meant when God said, “I will pour out my Spirit upon
all flesh.” I do not think I fully realized nor could I understand
the fullness of it, and then I read from the book of Joel:
“Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your
God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he
will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and
the latter rain -” (Joel 2:23). It is not only going to be the
rain, the former rain and the latter rain, but he is going to
give to his people in these last days a double portion of the
power of God!
As the vision appeared to me after I was asleep, I suddenly
found myself in a great high distance. Where I was, I do not
know. But I was looking down upon the earth. Suddenly the whole
earth came into my view. Every nation, every kindred, every
tongue came before my sight from the east and the west, the north
and the south. I recognized every country and many cities that I
had been in, and I was almost in fear and trembing as I beheld
the great sight before me: and at that moment when the world came
into view, it began to lightning and thunder.
As the lightning flashed over the face of the earth, my eyes
went downward and I was facing the north. Suddenly I beheld what
looked like a great giant, and as I stared and looked at it, I
was almost bewildered by the sight. It was so gigantic and so
great. His feet seemed to reach to the north pole and his head to
the south. Its arms were stretched from sea to sea. I could not
even begin to understand whether this be a mountain or this be a
giant, but as I watched, I suddenly beheld a great giant. I could
see his head was struggling for life. He wanted to live, but his
body was covered with debris from head to foot, and at times this
great giant would move his body and act as though it would even
raise up at times. And when it did, thousands of little creatures
seemed to run away. Hideous creatures would run away from this
giant, and when he would become calm, they would come back.
All of a sudden this great giant lifted his hand towards heaven,
and then it lifted its other hand, and when it did these creatures
by the thousands seemed to flee away from this giant and go
into the darkness of the night.
Slowly this great giant began to rise and as he did, his head and
hands went into the clouds. As he rose to his feet he seemed to
have cleansed himself from the debris and filth that was upon
him, and he began to raise his hands into the heavens as though
praising the Lord, and as he raised his hands, they went even unto
the clouds.
Suddenly, every cloud became silver, the most beautiful silver I
have ever known. As I watched this phenomenon it was so great I
could not even begin to understand what it all meant. I was so
stirred as I watched it, and I cried unto the Lord and I said,
“Oh Lord, what is the meaning of this.” and I felt as if I was
actually in the Spirit and I could feel the presence of the Lord
even as I was asleep.
And from those clouds suddenly there came great drops of liquid
light raining down upon this mighty giant, and slowly, slowly,
this giant began to melt, began to sink itself in the very earth
itself, and as he melted, his whole form seemed to have melted
upon the face of the earth, and this great rain began to come
down. Liquid drops of light began to flood the very earth itself
and as I watched this giant that seemed to melt, suddenly it became
millions of people over the face of the earth. As I beheld
the sight before me, people stood up all over the world! They
were lifting their hands and they were praising the Lord.
At that very moment there came a great thunder that seemed to
roar from the heavens. I turned my eyes toward the heavens and
suddenly I saw a figure in white, in glistening white – the most
glorious thing that I have ever seen in my entire life. I did not
see the face, but somehow I knew it was the Lord Jesus Christ,
and he stretched forth his hand, and as he did, he would stretch
it forth to one, and to another, and to another. And as he
stretched forth his hand upon the nations and the people of the
world – men and women – as he pointed toward them, this liquid
light seemed to flow from his hands into them, and a mighty anointing
of God came upon them, and those people began to go forth
in the name of the Lord.
I do not know how long I watched it. It seemed it went into days
and weeks and months. And I beheld this Christ as he continued to
stretch forth his hand; but there was a tragedy. There were many
people as he stretched forth his hand that refused the anointing
of God and the call of God. I saw men and women that I knew. People
that I felt would certainly receive the call of God. But as
he stretched forth his hand toward this one and toward that one,
they simply bowed their head and began to back away. And each of
those that seemed to bow down and back away, seemed to go into
darkness. Blackness seemed to swallow them everywhere.
I was bewildered as I watched it, but these people that he had
anointed, hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, in
Africa, England, Russia, China, America, all over the world, the
anointing of God was upon these people as they went forward in
the name of the Lord. I saw these men and women as they went
forth. They were ditch diggers, they were washerwomen, they were
rich men, they were poor men. I saw people who were bound with
paralysis and sickness and blindness and deafness. As the Lord
stretched forth to give them this anointing, they became well,
they became healed, and they went forth!
And this is the miracle of it – this is the glorious miracle of
it – those people would stretch forth their hands exactly as the
Lord did, and it seemed as if there was this same liquid fire in
their hands. As they stretched forth their hands they said, “According
to my word, be thou made whole.”
As these people continued in this mighty end-time ministry, I
did not fully realize what it was, and I looked to the Lord and
said, “What is the meaning of this?” And he said, “This is that
which I will do in the last days. I will restore all that the
cankerworm, the palmerworm, the caterpiller – I will restore all
that they have destroyed. This, my people, in the end times will
go forth. As a mighty army shall they sweep over the face of the
As I was at this great height, I could behold the whole world. I
watched these people as they were going to and fro over the face
of the earth. Suddenly there was a man in Africa and in a moment
he was transported by the Spirit of God, and perhaps he was in
Russia, or China or America or some other place, and vice versa.
All over the world these people went, and they came through fire,
and through pestilence, and through famine. Neither fire nor persecution,
nothing seemed to stop them.
Angry mobs came to them with swords and with guns. And like Jesus,
they passed through the multitudes and they could not find
them, but they went forth in the name of the Lord, and everywhere
they stretched forth their hands, the sick were healed, the blind
eyes were opened. There was not a long prayer, and after I had
reviewed the vision many times in my mind, and I thought about it
many times, I realised that I never saw a church, and I never saw
or heard a denomination, but these people were going in the name
of the Lord of Hosts. Hallelujah!
As they marched forth in everything they did as the ministry of
Christ in the end times, these people were ministering to the
multitudes over the face of the earth. Tens of thousands, even
millions seemed to come to the Lord Jesus Christ as these people
stood forth and gave the message of the kingdom, of the coming
kingdom, in this last hour. It was so glorious, but it seems as
though there were those that rebelled, and they would become angry
and they tried to attack those workers that were giving
the message.
God is going to give the world a demonstration in this last hour
as the world has never known. These men and women are of all
walks of life, degrees will mean nothing. I saw these workers as
they were going over the face of the earth. When one would stumble
and fall, another would come and pick him up. There were no
“big I” and “little you,” but every mountain was brought low and
every valley was exalted, and they seemed to have one thing in
common – there was a divine love, a divine love that seemed to
flow forth from these people as they worked together, and as they
lived together. It was the most glorious sight that I have ever
known. Jesus Christ was the theme of their life. They continued
and it seemed the days went by as I stood and beheld this sight.
I could only cry, and sometimes I laughed. It was so wonderful
as these people went throughout the face of the whole earth,
bringing forth in this last end time.
As I watched from the very heaven itself, there were times when
great deluges of this liquid light seemed to fall upon great congregations,
and that congregation would lift up their hands and
seemingly praise God for hours and even days as the Spirit of God
came upon them. God said, “I will pour my Spirit upon all flesh,”
and that is exactly this thing. And to every man and every woman
that received this power, and the anointing of God, the miracles
of God, there was no ending to it.
We have talked about miracles. We have talked about signs and
wonders, but I could not help but weep as I read again this morning,
at 4 o’clock this morning the letter from our native workers.
This is only the evidence of the beginning for one man, a
“do-nothing, an unheard-of,” who would go and stretch forth his
hand and say, “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command
life to flow into your body.” I dropped to my knees and began to
pray again, and I said, “Lord, I know that this time is coming
And then again, as these people were going about the face of the
earth, a great persecution seemed to come from every angle.
Suddenly there was another great clap of thunder, that seemed to
resound around the world, and I heard again the voice, the voice
that seemed to speak, “Now this is my people. This is my beloved
bride.” And when the voice spoke, I looked upon the earth and I
could see the lakes and the mountains. The graves were opened and
people from all over the world, the saints of all ages, seemed to
be rising. And as they rose from the grave, suddenly all these
people came from every direction. From the east and the west,
from the north and the south, and they seemed to be forming again
this gigantic body. As the dead in Christ seemed to be rising
first, I could hardly comprehend it. It was so marvellous. It was
so far beyond anything I could ever dream or think of.
But as this body suddenly began to form, and take shape again,
it took shape again in the form of this mighty giant, but this
time it was different. It was arrayed in the most beautiful gorgeous
white. Its garments were without spot or wrinkle as its
body began to form, and the people of all ages seemed to be gathered
into this body, and slowly, slowly, as it began to form up
into the very heavens, suddenly from the heavens above, the Lord
Jesus came, and became the head, and I heard another clap of
thunder that said, “This is my beloved bride for whom I have
waited. She will come forth even tried by fire. This is she that
I have loved from the beginning of time.”
As I watched, my eyes suddenly turned to the far north, and I
saw seemingly destruction: men and women in anguish and crying
out, and buildings in destruction. Then I heard again, the fourth
voice that said, “Now is My wrath being poured out upon the face
of the earth.” From the ends of the whole world, the wrath of God
seemed to be poured out and it seemed that there were great vials
of God’s wrath being poured out upon the face of the earth. I can
remember it as though it happened a moment ago. I shook and
trembled as I beheld the awful sight of seeing the cities, and
whole nations going down into destruction.
I could hear the weeping and wailing. I could hear people crying.
They seemed to cry as they went into caves, but the caves in
the mountains opened up.
They leaped into water, but the water would not drown them.
There was nothing that could destroy them. They were wanting to
take their lives, but they could not.
Then again I turned my eyes to this glorious sight, this body
arrayed in beautiful white, shining garments. Slowly, slowly, it
began to lift from the earth, and as it did, I awoke. What a
sight I had beheld! I had seen the end-time ministries – the last
hour. Again on July 27, at 2:30 in the morning, the same revelation,
the same vision came again exactly as it did before.
My life has been changed as I realised that we are living in
that end time, for all over the world God is anointing men and
women with this ministry. It will not be doctrine. It will not be
a churchianity. It is going to be Jesus Christ. They will give
forth the word of the Lord, and are going to say, “I heard it so
many times in the vision and according to my word it shall be
Hi Danny, I just received your Newsletter and wanted to encourage you. My wife and I are good friends with Debbie and Randy of Sydney, and met you when you preached at Howard’s church. My wife and I run our own non denominational pentecostal church at Schofields NSW. Over the last couple of weeks I have shared about the prophesied revival in Australia. I was encouraged to hear that you have been set apart by the Lord to help launch this revival. You would probably be familiar with the following prophecies but I thought I would send them to you anyway:
1. William Seymour
1909 William Seymour, from the Azusa Street Revival in 1909, prophesied that in about 100 years an even greater Shekinah Glory would come to the church, William Seymour, 1909: Next Revival Will Come in About 100 Years — It’s Due!
Filed under: Prophecies & Visions,Revival • ONE! — Jeff Fenske @ 5:25 pm From: Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, July 14-20, 2008 My guest as a young man met elderly people who were involved in the biggest move of miracles in the history of America. It was called the Azusa Street Revival. He tells me that he met some of the people and heard first hand what occurred, stories such as ears that did not exist popping back into place, arms that did not exist coming out and growing, these are called creative miracles. Did you know that the Azusa Street Revival that happened in the early 1900?s was the first integrated church in America? God picked a one-eyed black man to lead the greatest move of God’s Spirit in miracles I believe since the first coming of the Messiah…. Sid: Now William Seymour prophesied about the next revival that will come, tell me about that. Tommy: He prophesied that in about a hundred years, he did this in 1909, that there would be a… Sid: So about a hundred years would be 2009? Tommy: Yes, that would be about, before or after? Sid: About, okay. Tommy: He said another revival like unto Azusa Street only greater would come again, only this time it wouldn’t be in one place, it would be all over the world….[But it’s gotta start somewhere]
2. Smith Wigglesworth
Smith Wigglesworth’s Prophecy over Australia, New Zealand and the islands of the Pacific. The following notes are taken from Billye Brim’s recollection of conversations with David Duplessis when he was an elderly man. “Now, regarding Wigglesworth. Here is how I remember what David DuPlessis shared with us about it. It happened in South Africa. David’s father was pastor of a church where Wigglesworth was speaking. Wigglesworth had just come from Australia and the Islands there around. Young David was translating Wigglesworth into some local language as he preached. Very early one morning David was in his office when the door burst open and Wigglesworth stormed in. David stood. Wigglesworth took him by the clothing and pinned him to the wall. He prophesied concerning the moves of God that would take place before the Lord comes. He said there would be a great move of the Spirit in which classical denominational people would receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit. He said that he would not live to see this, but that David would and that God would use him among the denominational people. Especially, the Catholics. (It is a little unclear to my memory, but I think it was here that I heard he said there would be a move of the Spirit and then a move of the Word and then a move of the Word and the Spirit together. After which the Lord would come. Now I know I have heard this part, but I am not sure I heard it from David.) I did hear from David that Wigglesworth said the last great outpouring of the Holy Spirit before Jesus comes would be in Australia, New Zealand, and the islands. (I have also heard Kenneth E. Hagin speak of Wigglesworth’s saying this. It was very close to Brother Hagin’s heart. And when in the early 80’s a Rhema graduate, Rick McKnight, was going to Australia, Brother Hagin wrote a check to send his wife with him and gave it to our church in Collinsville. He said he wanted to be a part of what God would do there.) David DuPlessis said that Wigglesworth after delivering the powerful prophecy let him go and left the room. Later that morning they met the rest of the ministry team for breakfast. Wigglesworth said to David, “Good morning, David. Good to see you. How are you?” David said, “Brother Wigglesworth, you’ve already seen me this morning. But you didn’t greet me.” Wigglesworth replied, “This morning that was the man of God, on the way with the Word of God, greeting no man in the way. This is Wigglesworth. Good morning David.” David went into great detail of how that prophecy changed his life. How he had to put everything on the altar. How he put his own reputation and ministry on the altar. For even thinking that God could pour out His Spirit on Catholics was unspeakable. He did in fact lose his papers with the Assemblies of God for so doing.
( )
This account comes from Lester Sumrall’s book – Pioneers of Faith. Sumrall relates how he met Smith Wigglesworth during the dark days of World War II and gives the following account: “… Shutting his eyes again, he said, ‘I see the greatest revival in the history of mankind coming to Planet earth, maybe as never before. And I see every form of disease healed. I see whole hospitals emptied with no one there. Even the doctors are running down the streets shouting.’ “He told me that there would be untold numbers of uncountable multitudes that would be saved. No man will say ‘so many, so many,’ because nobody will be able to count those who come to Jesus. No disease will be able to stand before God’s people… ‘It will be a worldwide situation, not local,’ he said, ‘a worldwide thrust of God’s power and God’s anointing upon mankind.’ “Then he opened his eyes and looked at me and said, ‘I will not see it, but you shall see it. The Lord says that I must go on to my reward, but that you will see the mighty works that He will do upon the earth in the last days.’ “… The idea that I would get to see this revival was almost overwhelming. And in the last decade or so, I believe we have seen this revival begin to sweep the earth. We have seen amazing moves of God in Africa… Recently, I was in China and met with the underground church. I was told there are at least forty-five million Full Gospel Christians in China. I discovered a depth of prayer and integrity there that I have not felt anywhere else in the world… So I believe we are seeing Wigglesworth’s prophecy begin to be fulfilled. We are seeing the first stages of it.” Dear friends, let us devote ourselves to prayer and fasting and practical steps of obedience so that if possible, we could be included by God as co-workers in the great revival move of the Spirit that Smith Wigglesworth saw in that vision.
Derek Prince 1975
Declared that Australia and New Zealand would be used by God at the turn of the 21st century to lead one of the greatest Christian revivals that would spread throughout the whole world, ushering in the triumphant return of the King of kings and Lord of lords to Jerusalem, Israel.
We will pray for the Lord to give you more opportunities to lift up His name, and to see His Shekinah Glory manifest more and more in your meetings. Please let us know when you are having more meetings in Sydney and surrounds.
Bless you
I recently had a vision of a giant tidal wave, it was about 1000 feet high (ie supernaturally high) and there was someone riding across its face with great ease, without fear. I asked God what was the wave representing. “A new wave of my Holy Spirit” was the reply plus the instruction, “Get ready”
About 10 years ago I was sitting on a rock on my farm near Lismore when the whole sky seemed to turn a most golden gold sunset colour. There was no pink, no red, no blue, only Gold. I asked God the meaning, “The Harvest is full, the Harvest is Full, you have no idea how big the harvest is” God replied. Every particle, every molicule of the sky was full of his glory, he was going to populate heaven and there would be a harvest bigger, wider and deeper than we could hope or imagine. God is awesome and powerful to achieve his desires.
A few nights later I dreamt of cane harvesters, covered in soot, sitting in the cab of a large truck loaded to the brim. they were tired, dirty but smiling heaps, their white teeth glistening as they smiled. They had worked hard, and enjoyed the work of the harvest. I also saw an image of an esky full of fish. God said “I can not put good fresh fish into a dirty esky, it is time to repent and clean house before the harvest.
I have also seen a vision of a net stretched across a river, brimming to almost breaking point with fish – another example of harvest.
In late 1999 while preparing for Sonrise 2000, a prayer event at Brunswick Heads to pray in the new millenium I had a vision of a tidalwave spreading across Australia from the east to the west. I looked down on earth from space at night and thousands and thousands of fires (lights) came on across the country, representing revival. There were a few foolish pastors who spoke against the move of God and as I looked God move them along physcially as a gentle rebuke. There was thunder and lighting and storms threatening in the morning at dawn. 800 prayer warriors turned up. We had a logo of the rising sun. At dawn the sun appeared on the horizon as the clouds parted and a spray of sunbeams lit up the sky forming a most beautiful and significant sight as the clouds (darkness and rage) departed. We had prayer partners on Mt Kosiosko where exactly the same sunbeams appeared as the clouds dispelled. Something stirred in my spirit as I saw faithful, praying christians filing to a lonely beach from 4am to pray.
In 1996 I had a vision of a tidal wave off wollongong. It was 100 foot high and an emerald green colour. God told me its signifance,
my power son, you have no idea of my awesome power. Just then I had another vision of a dam with high concrete walls. It represented a blockage, a lack of flow. What could hold back what God wanted to happen. “Its parts of my church that won’t budge, but are locked, immovable.” However, as I watched a crack appeared and there appeared a small trickle of water that grew to a torrent and suddenly the dam let go and the water (God’s vitality, life and purpose) flooded the valley. A powerful move of God.
I totally agree with smithys prophecy concerning The greatest Revival in history …It will Come and even written a gospel rock song on the Great Australian Revival ………We need to start daily prayer meetings for any Revival just like the welsh revival and other such reivals . This Australian revival will effect the asian nations in a prophetical vision given to me in 1992 .
Let us Agree to put in highly intense heated prayer for this nation and the rest of the world .
God bless your eternity
pls let me be one of ur student as on of the Grand son of smith wigglesworth
Thanks for sharing everyone. Have always felt that God will use Australia this way, but am tremendously blessed to hear testimony to that effect (Smith’s prophecy 4 Oz). Reading the many entries above has really moved me emotionally and I am blessed to feel apart of a bigger group of believers in Oz wanting the furtherance of God’s kingdom in our land and abroad. Come Holy Spirit pour afresh on us all …
Yes I was there when Ps.Norm Armstrong had the word for Ps.Danny there was a very strong anointing at that meeting.I had personally knows pastor Armstrong for 50+ years he would frequently speak about his encounter with Smiths Wigglesworth
Personally, I would be very careful of saying that Ps Danny is the man God will use to bring about the greatest revival on earth etc. Indeed he may be a great man of God, but even Smith Wigglesworth was human! Ive heard it prophesied that revival will come through the aboriginal people of this nation, starting in the western desert regions…and there is more evidence today of that being more true than it being through one man. There is a great revival right now in Lajamanu and the surrounding desert regions in WA and NT, where 215 people have gotten saved and baptised in 6 weeks and pubs are closing down! All you mob may be feeling “goosebumps” but they are seeing changed and repentant lives! What looks more like revival to you? A nice feeling or repentance from dead works? Be very careful of people saying this man and that person is the one etc…just look to Jesus and together lets pray as the Body of Christ! Don’t look to man for revival, look to Jesus!
Well said Robert. I agree with you.
Someone once truly said that repentance precedes revival. That is, repentance amongst those who profess Christ.
We can pray and wait for revival, but I believe there is a great need amongst us in the Church today for personal and corporate repentance , not just from dead works and our tendency to look to men, but from gullibly believing in every wind of doctrine or revelation (as is happening, and which divide the Church), or believing that every supernatural experience is unquestionably of God (as if we’re immune from deception). Not to mention our compromise with the world and general lack of holiness.
Will God bring a great revival about with us in our present state? (‘m generally speaking) Would He do that?
Repentance always precedes revival – same as in the true conversion of a single individual.
The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you all…
pls let be part of ur that the double portion of the spirit of wiggleswort will rest upon me
if God can do for wigglesworth u thing a can happing for me
Dear Tommy Hick’s I am a Born Again Aboriginal woman full of the Spirit, your end-times vision bought tears to my eyes infact I beleive the Holy Spirit was moved within me, when I read about your wonderful vision, I was only half way reading GODs awsume revelation to you, I am at work and usually there are 5 other staff in the Office with me but I am here by myself, I had to go to the Ladies to have a drink of water and wash my eyes, when I looked in the mirrow my eyes were so red, I was so glade no one else was here with me, may our Dearly Beloved Father Son and Holy Spirit continue to Bless you above and beyound the Call of Duty if God is for you who can be against you GOD Bless
I am not here to judge no man but I do agree with Robert Batlye; please TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS, NO MAN AS THE ANSWER TO THE COMMING OF THE LORD, we must all walk in Unity and one Accord, we all have work to do for our ABBA Father God in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST he alone is the Holy and a annointed one, when the POWER for REVIVAL comes it will not come from no man or woman but by GOD himself, to the lowley and the outcaste the dumb to confound the wise, to the poor and the needy who are thirsting for the living water; who are poor in spirit these are the ones our ABBA Father is reaching out for not the 99 but the 1 lost in the wilderness GOD BLESS
Interesting article. Excited to hear about the prophecy of revival. Don’t know much about any of the pastors mentioned in the article, but wanted to confirm Gods timing on Revival in Australia. We were called in 2011 to migrate from the USA to Australia for revival in the land. The Shekinah glory of God will return to Australia will set the land on revival fire. We are here anticipating Gods mighty work.
I have been praying for the church recently,and I started praying for the spiritual seeds from previous generations to come up, this is harvest time,when the reapers overtake the sower….Pastor Norm was my pastor and I had prayed that the mantle that was on him would be manifest on his spiritual children,ie multiplied to the church,I kept thinking about Smith Wigglesworth,and then this week a friend sent me this article! praise God,I believe it isn’t just about one man,but that this mantle is for many to walk in, to usher in the Return of Jesus and yes I believe this mantle and revival and fire will be partly instigated by our Aboriginal brothers and sisters.Lets continue to pray for The Church,the body, for we are here or such a time as this.we are those ones, our spiritual Fathers believed and prayed to see.
I went to Pastor Norm’s Church. I would like to say something about Norm.
If anyone new Pastor Norm you would know these things about him.
His love for God was huge. His love for the people was huge and in all his work he was a very humble man.
Scripture states in 1st John 4:7-8 Beloved let us love one another. For love is of God and anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He that does not love, does not know God for God is love.
We behave sometimes like little children. We chase after one person or another in some hope of receiving something from God.
Do we not know that we are called priests and that the law is written on our hearts? Do we not know that we can boldly enter God’s throne room and talk with God? Many of us have replace God with a man or with a group of people.
I truly believe that the last great revival will start in Australasia. This is not to say that Australians or New Zealanders are anything special. It is just that God has ordained this. I also know that revival will not start with just one man. This is because we are still children and will worship this person rather than God.
Revival will start in whomever God chooses, but in those people you will see the fruit that Pastor Norm had. A huge love for God, a huge love for the people and extremely humble. They will not care about their titles or position. They will not care about who is and who is not following them. They will only care about being obedient to what God has asked them to do.
Anyone who reads this, anyone who hears God’s call can bring about revival. It does not matter what your gift is. It does not matter how educated your are. It does not matter if you are a leader of a church or not. The bible clearly shows us that God chooses those without ability so that His glory may be displayed in them. There will be no glory for these people. People who follow God tend to be disliked by those who are like the pharisee.
We who want to see revival must learn the path of love and the path of humility. Anyone who is able to move there body can serve God and see great things of God if they learn love, humility and obedience.
God Bless
thanks pr Daniel naliah i came on here today 29th april 2013 to see what smith had said about Austrlia for god was saying in my heart to biging to pray for revival in Australia and hes put in so strong on my heart .i know ps norm armstrong and ps ruth and was at that church in 1989 and 1990 and was batised there with norm arm strong my dad use to know him . but i think norm armstrong has gone home to jesus a few mths a go i herd word . but im here to tell you the harvest is ready get moving for souls gods put on my heart to go to the streets and pray for the lost and tell them about jesus .iv never led a soul in all my life to jesus but have prayed for lots to be saved and have seen god answer .but on about feb 2013 i prayed god to give me some one to go on your streets with then on the 18th april 2013 god found me a young man we led 5 people to jesus on the esplanard in CAIRNS QLD in one night. then we led one more 19th-4-2013 then 2 more at a bus stop on sunday night after our church comunatey babe q 21-april-2013 .gods showed me at a easter camp i whent on that god is moveing all over Australia like pools of water a pastor from amreca was here preaching an every time he closed his eyes he saw a map of Ausrtaila an saw like dams of water all over it . and id had my 3rd vishion of it poring down rain revial is and has bergun and just like smith said we are in for a BIG move of god like no ones ever seen in Austraila i rember hering the old man of god saying it when i was 10 yrs old they have passed on .now its time to see the former and later rain .GET HUNGRRY GET THERSTY GET OUT OF YOUR COMFERT ZONE ONLY BERLEVE FIRE FIRE FIRE . MAKE YOUR SELF READY JESUS IS COMING AND SO IS WHAT SMITH SAID STARTED . from michael walsh CAIRNS QLD
When it was prophesied that God was raising a man 100 years from Smith Wigglesworth it was God declaring it to bring revival to the nation and to the ends of the world. God means what He says and does what He says. It is not a point for jealousy, for revival can only come through God and at His command. So God has raised up Danny to set the torch alight for that revival. That revival is not the work of one man Danny, it is the work of the Holy Spirit working in thousands of people in unity under Jesus Christ. But God’s chosen servant to light the fire was/is Danny.
I have heard many prophesies that it will come from the aboriginals, but in many different areas of Australia, also from the AOG (before ACC), and I am sure it will, But Danny was chosen to light the fire. For the revival will be carried by thousands and even millions.
But at the same time God is raising up men in other places outside of Australia to light the fire from a different area that will also spread to the whole world, till the whole world is aflame from end to end.
There are also visions of tidal wave 5 k high coming accross the sea from Western Austrlia sweeping on to NZ. So God is sending it from all over the place.
Thought you might like to ponder these words given to me by the Holy Spirit …
Listen to the voice of the Spirit in you, hear the voice of Jesus every day
I hear Him say … I hear Him say
Dare to step out from contentment in Zion, dare to obey the voice of you God
I hear Him say … rise up don’t stay … I hear Him say
Reach up reach out to the ones around you, Reach up reach out to the Holy Spirit
Reach up reach out to the ones around you, Reach up reach out to the Spirit of your God
I will take this land by My Spirit, I will take this land through you
I will take this land by My Spirit and your hand … I will take this land!!!
Paul R.
God bless His Word which has come out of His mouth. Praise be to the Most High God. The Spirit of the LORD prompted me to read this wonderful testimony up to the end.
I am from Papua New Guinea and it is from there that my story begins. It is linked to what has been shared above.
I was visited by God who came to me in His GLORY and His GLORY-CLOUD FILLED MY ROOM in Sept 2002. He told me He was sending a dear friend of mine to Australia, And God said it in these words, “Go I Send You!” seven times, to this man. I got up that morning and prophesied to him. On the same day His Visa to Australia was approved and He came to WAGAWAGA in NSW not long after. Then the Spirit of the LORD spoke to Him there to carry out the purpose to which He was specifically sent for. He obeyed and reached down to the ground beneath his feet, picked up a handful of soil and raised it the Most High God and declared in a loud voice, “I claim the land of Australia and its people for you. Let the wave of Revival rise up out of this land and reach to the four-corners of the earth. To you be all glory LORD. May your will be done.” And the Spirit of the LORD rested on him when He declared this, and after he had finished saying this the LORD spoke again to him telling him that this was the real reason why God sent him to Australia; to simply carry out that prophetic act. At the same time God was trying also to show me that this word came from Him. He appeared again to me on the 22nd of Sept 2002 telling me my dear friend would not return till the 26 of Sept 2002. The funny thing was he has already booked his ticket for the 24th Sept 2002. When he called me on the 23rd Sept 2002 I said to him, “you are not to come back to us till the 26th Sept 2002 because that’s what the LORD told me”. He was somewhat confused but just believed. Well guess what? When he went to the airport on the 24th his flight was cancelled and delayed to the 26th, just as the LORD had said to me.
After sometime, I came to Canberra, Australia in 2005 after many prophetic words over my life and may visions showing that I would see and be a part of this great move. Last year 2012, I was visited by the LORD Jesus who was a flaming fire (and I remembered John-the-Baptist’s words, that The Christ would Baptise us with the Fire and the Holy Ghost), and Jesus grabbed me firmly by both arms and the fire of His GLORY and SPIRIT consumed me so much that I thought I was going to die and vanish into thin air. But after about 30 seconds, as soon as He let me go, I was filled with His awesome glory and power. Then I was quickly taken into another vision where I saw two types of people in the Church, When I prayed for the first one, he was filled with the same fire of God and prophesied saying these words which I quote, “THE REVIVAL HAS BEGUN”. The second person however was stuck in the matters of this world and was consumed by unforgiveness that I had to lay hands on him twice for him to be completely set free.
Not long after I read about Smith Wigglesworth prophesy, by this time and the confirmation was pleasing to my heart
Later I had a dream on 5th August 2012, and this is what the LORD’s Spirit spoke into my spirit:
“Before it Happens I declare it. It is going to happen soon!
And according to the direction of the LORD my family and I moved to Emerald, QLD, with the words, “This is God’s Will!” and “I shall align you to my Glory!” When I arrived Here my wife and I began to fast and prayer at the beginning of this year 2013 (as I write it) and then the LORD spoke a word into my spirit again in early April 2013 that the wind of the Spirit would blow through Emerald in the Month of May 2013. This came to pass on the 3nd Sunday of May and the flow of Revival has not stopped, in fact it has increased and we are looking forward to more of GOD in our meetings in a real and powerful way.
Currently As I write this, I believe with all my heart that all the prophetic words about Australia point to this one truth; The revival fire is been kindled all across the nation of Australia. Let us rise together in unity and declare the our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Let us rise and praise the name of our God for He is worthy to be praised. Take up the call of God and respond the Voice of His Spirit calling out to you today. God bless you all! Amen!!
Brother Norman M.T Sabadi
Emerald, QLD, Australia
When Jesus came to Choo Thomas He clearly spoke to her (Heaven Is So Real) that there was plenty of room in heaven to be filled and that it is His purpose to bring in 50 % of the unbelievers into Heaven. I do not doubt that what Choo Thomas recieved is fully of God, there are many that doubt it, but it is in keeping with the Word of God. For it is not God’s will that any should perish but that they should repent and believe and know salvation. This is the great move into the highways and byways to compell them to come in. The last great move of the grace of God to redeem as many as who will believe.
So from the day Danny had the mantle passed onto him, things have begun to change in the world. So do not look to Danny to do this great work all by himself but arise from the spirit of death and start believing God and walk in the supernatural. We are all to do this great work in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, We are not to leave it to Jesus as so many say, but we are to arise out of death and do the first works in faith. Jesus commissioned us to do it, not Himsrlf. He has given us the Holy Spirit to guide and help us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit to assist us, He has sent His angels to help us, what more can we ask for. Arise Church arise and do those first works in faith and love.
Wiggleworth’s well-known prophecy over Australia was first spoken at a Charismatic Pastor’s convention at Goolwa, near the mouth of the Murray River in the 1930s, just down the road from where the Miracle Tent goes up each year. He repeated the details several times during his trip.
I have read what has been sent to you in this move of the Holy Spirit in Australia I was taken into the most Holy place God has shown me Two Waves that will hit this Nation First wave is a cleansing wave that will come into the Church to clean out all the filth, the Second wave I saw is a people moving in the fullness of the Holy Spirit having the character change or one with the white horse totally in the Spirit. This move I was shown and told by the Holy Spirit we are in a season God’s time. This fire/move of God will start in the middle of this nation. God wants a virgin Church ready for the bride-groom. There are vessels that have been positioned/called by God that had a face to face experience with God and are now ready and positioned to see this move of God to be released in Australia.
Please contact me on 0422025370 or my emailing address if need be, there is so much more to say from God that is about to happen in this move.
Kind Regards Pr Roy Moggs
want to be informed of the end time prophecies
We must remember that we need to fulfil the call of God on our lives, there are many examples in the Bible of those who did and those who did not. There are so many temptations, side tracks and the pressure of opposition even from our brothers and sisters in Christ that would accuse us that we had it all wrong for this reasonor that, or that we were proud and arrogant and not called, or even that we were or are just nothing but a wolf in sheeps clothing set on causing trouble. So revival tarries because we as a people fail to be ready for it and or actually stop it believing that we are serving God in what we do. So we need to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches and fully act on His commands. Judgment starts with the house of God. Often this judgment occurs just before the revival fires burn. Are we ready to be judged and cleansed again so that we run with the Holy Spirit in spreading that fire of revival?
The Lion will roar, the Eagle will fly, the music of Heaven will drown out all the music of the earth. So lift up your feeble voices and shout Salvation to the ends of the earth. For our God reigns and none can stand against Him. Lift up holy hands to Heaven and praise with a mighty voice the name of Jesus and the God of our salvation. None can stand in His presence but must fall before Him. His enemies are powerless to stop His will and purpose being done on the earth. So rouse as one in the great battle for the souls of men in this earth and in the name of Jesus snatch them from destruction and the fires of Hell. For the Lion will roar and the Eagle will rise up and the victory is assured.
In the Bible John wrote that we are in the last hour. So today we are still in that last hour because God has put back the hands of the clock to stay for now in that last hour. Therefore we must work now because the time is coming when the night comes whe nobody can work. John the Baptist was claimed by Jesus to be the greatest of all the prophets because he was the one to herald in the coming King, Jesus Christ in person. Yet the least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he. John the Baptist was to doubt that Jesus was the one that was promised by God and had messengers go and ask Jesus whether He was or not. Jesus assured him that He was by what He was doing. John was not given to understand what Jesus had come to do in His first advent and needing to come again in a second advent. Now true believers even the least in the Kigdom of Heaven do not doubt who Jesus is and what He has come to do and that He is coming again in glory. But now we see through a glass darkly and all prophesy is in part. It has been explained that if we are watching a parade in a town that from our advantage point we can only see part of that parade bit by bit, but if we were in a helicopter in the right place we could see the whole parade from the beginning to the end. When Satan took Jesus up into a very high mountain that Jesus could see all the kingdoms of the earth at a glance, then that mountain was a place way above the earth for that to happen, by contrast God who sits in Heaven can see all of creation from its beginning to its end all the way from and to eternity. So when Danny was called by God to begin the last great revival through a prophesy first given to Smith Wigglesworth concerning Australia and its place in revival it was only one of many prophesies at that time that show that others all over the world were being called to lead in that revival before Christ comes the second time. It is like the Church being called as a John the Baptist to herald in the coming King for His eternal reign on earth. So things do not work out exactly as we would expect them to take place because our advantage point is limited to that which we can see, not like God’s advantage point complete in everything. So are we ready today while it is today in this last hour to fulfil God’s highest calling on our lives, and are we also ready to not stop that same highest calling be fulfilled in the lives of others?
Blessings … For those who are meant to hear …
Some weeks ago I was prompted to write the following …
Spiritually we live in an amazing time, although some might see it as a maze in time. Over the years our heavenly Father enabled those He called and allowed them to ‘see’ Jesus. These He has led by His Spirit and revealed many scams and truths at various times as He guided, counseled, disciplined and matured them.
Now, since 19th September 2013 (15 Tishri 5774), the feast of tabernacles (ingathering), He has revealed that it is the Father’s time for the latter rain. This latter rain is in the form of a ‘revival’ but not a ‘revival’ in the normal sense … it is a revival of knowledge.
In accordance to Jesus’ instruction in His Revelation, ‘he who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches’ – Rev. 2:7,11,17,29 3:6,13,22, only those who ‘have an ear’ will ‘hear’ this knowledge. This will cause quite a contrast between those that hear and those that do not. It will also be a great opportunity for massive deception and confusion.
The reason for this is there will be a drawing to Truth and Righteousness (Jesus). Paul, when he talks about Melchizedek in Hebrews (Heb. 5:8-11), makes the point that he would like to say more but the Church (Ekklesia) was not ready. He goes on to say that what is required is teaching about righteousness (v.13). This teaching involves training in discernment (v.14) and doing what is pleasing to God (refer to Eph. 5:8-11).
During this process we will be drawn to Ephesians 2:11-18 and Colossians 2:13-17. We will be called to re-examine Leviticus 23:1-22 and Revelation (all … but in particular 1:1 to 3:22). These will also lead to other both Old and New Testament scriptures and show how they are all linked together in Jesus (Rev. 19:10b). The fullness of Paul’s instruction to Timothy will become crystal clear (2Tim. 3:14-17)
As a result of the above we will be drawn to examine God’s relationship with Israel, the gentiles (us) and His Church (The Ekklesia that Jesus is building) – what are their purposes? And what does it mean for us gentiles today?
Many will be drawn to the Jewish way of life and will focus on all things Jewish as they are prompted to “come out” of all things that are not in accordance with His Word and pattern (prophecy) – but is this what God wants? The discerning person will “find out what pleases” God, come out of all things that do not please Him, and maintain, fix, their eyes on Jesus (Heb. 12:2). The biggest obstacle for those that are Jewish and have Jesus revealed to them as the Christ (Messiah) will be to change their focus to Jesus while maintaining their way of life (the law) while the biggest obstacle for the gentiles will be to discern the use and application of “the Lord’s feasts” in this amazing time.
In all of this there will be a great hunger for learning from His Word (the Scriptures) (Ro. 15:4) and to draw closer to Jesus. We will need to be very clear on what God actually says as opposed to what man says or interprets as being said. These are the end times and there are many passages in scripture that explain and warn about these times – we need to study these – this is our preparation strategy.
Paul Ripamonti 2013
It was at Azusa Street that William Seymour with Maria Wooodsworth-Etter prophesied that in 100 years from then a far greater revival wuld break out ‘far greater in power and influence than Azusa Street. Smith Wiggleswoth was to take up on the same prophesy, and all over the place people were receiving the same message. Ahead lay two world wars and terrible happenings in world events that sure were leading to the need of such a great revival to happen. So we live in those days and while things go from bad to worse in the world, God is raising up those of pure hearts to bring that worldwide revival as I believe as the last great call to repentence and faith, before the Anti Christ has his appointed time that is cut short by Jesus Christ’s return.
Let it beestablished in the mouth of two or three witnesses
Charls Parham was within days to prophesy the same thing before Smith Wigglesworth was to recieve it, all indepent of each other.
So let a thing be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses. Though used to indicate whether a person had committed an offense, it is also in reference to checking the truth of a prophetic utterance. For intance Paul the Apostle did not only have one person say to him what would happen at Jerusalem if he went, but it was being witnessed wherever he went.
My heart pounds. For I have been for 46 years in extreme torment by Satan and his demons. All the time never letting go of my passionate love for my glorious saviour. I have suffered extreme abuse from my now dead parents and sibling and numerous other abusers in my life from within the church and outside. Since early December 2013 I have been recieving incredible delivernces at home and in my glorious church Manningham Christian Centre MCC Templestove Melbourne. I have always passionately loved and served my saviour despite my groping in agony for these 46 years. I am massively set free now and the work is still in progress as my dear wife would attest. We have just had the birth of our 8th child and my family and I are rejoicing today as we name her. Oh God you have set me free from my enemies. I am a new creation. I am in a deep place of passionate love for you my most cherished Pappa father, Abba Father.How happy am I, how blessed beyond my wildest imagination am I. Glory to you, Glory glory glory.
Your loved son Craig
On the morning of the 21st February 1991, while I was praying, God spoke to me; He said something like: ‘There is going to be revival in Australia, such that has not been seen yet: There will be sign s and wonders; people will be falling down under the power of the Holy Spirit even when walking by where His word is proclaimed. And the keyword will be “HOLINESS”.’ Then the words came to me: “The edict has been issued, signed and sealed.”
I told this to some Christians at work, but they mainly mocked. On the 11th March 1991 God spoke to me again and said: “Tell them I am going to give them a sign: ‘Within a short period of time there will be three earthquakes in Australia’.” I understood that it meant within two months. The very day He spoke to me there was an earthquake in Kalgoorlie, WA, and about two months later, 10th May 1991, I heard a discussion on the radio about two earthquakes (of a “moderate” strength) that hit the previous week some remote areas in Victoria.
Shortly after God showed me a vision: A country style fenced property with a horse drawn cart full of straw coming into the fenced area. The driver of the cart unloaded the straw and attempted to make a stack. He managed to make half a stack only, from the base to the top, but only half of it, like a cone sliced through the middle from top to bottom.
I understood that it was the fuel to start the fire of revival, the country side being the country of Australia. Then the driver turned around the cart and drove off, I saw it going far, far away. My understanding was that another load of straw was required to start the fire, and that it would be brought in either from a distance or in a distant future. And it would be brought by a man of God (the cart driver, for he looked like an angel of the Lord). I prayed for awhile and one day I even prophesied while I was praying (something that I normally don’t do), saying that the nations will come to this land to drink of His Spirit. And then nothing for over two years!
Then, towards the end of 1993 (October/November?) I suddenly remembered the vision and the words, and I asked the Lord, when these things would happen. He said: “By this season next year.” Shortly afterwards, I saw in a vision a banner with “6-XI” written on it. I understood that the date was 6th November but, at the time, I wasn’t sure if it was associated with another vision I had concerning a friend or if it could be the day the revival was to start in Australia?
When “this season next year” arrived and the “6-XI” (6th of November 1994) passed I started wondering if there was anything unusual taking place. So, I published a pamphlet and sent it to a number of churches: no news – till just before Christmas. A Messianic Jew told me that something was taking place in the Christian Growth Centre, Sutherland. I went to investigate and found out that “something” was happening, but I didn’t really know what it was. There I heard about “Toronto Blessing”. Early in February 1995 Rodney Howard-Browne visited Sydney and it was clear to me that definitely “something” big is in the making – still, I wasn’t sure if this was that (“spoken of by the prophet”). Then, end of February 95, an article appeared on the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald with a story of the “Toronto Blessing” taking place in the Randwick Baptist Church, and it “arrived” there on the 6th of November (1994)! Subsequently I learned that similar events started taking place in the Sutherland church and in the CLC, Mt. Annan and a number of other churches in NSW – on the same date!
Soon after (April 95) I had a short vision: The straw stack from the previous vision had been completed, and I saw a number of people in a circle around the stack each one eager to strike the match. But they all were dressed only casually, and I saw the one in white robe (like an angel of the Lord) standing by the stack and motioning to them with his hand not to approach the stack. In other words, as far as God is concerned, revival can start, but there is nobody worthy of lighting the fire! There is none who is clothed properly.
I also saw (May 95) the “stack” split from its top down to about one-third of its height, indicating the split in the renewal leadership. Then I saw the split bandaged with strips of straw, which is to say that the real revival will not start till this split is “bandaged”.
Interestingly, the base of the stack remained intact. As I thought about this I recalled the fact that the “Toronto Blessing” anointing appears to come from two streams (the straw was brought in on two occasions): one through Rodney Howard-Browne and one through John Arnott. Anointing on both of them can eventually be traced through Benny Hinn to Kathryn Kuhlman (the base of the stack was not split).
The situation that is taking place in the church somehow reminds me on Ezekiel chapter 9 where the city of Jerusalem (the Church of Jesus Christ) went through a judgment, with all the inhabitants (individual churches) slain, starting from the sanctuary (the Church leaders), except those marked by the “One with the writer’s inkhorn by His side”. That is to say, all those churches and the church leaders that will not receive the mark from the “One with the inkhorn by His side” will be (spiritually) slain. And this renewal phase of the revival is symbolic of the individual churches being marked by the one with the inkhorn.
Indeed, I had a vision to that effect: A court room full of people with the accused (a certain pastor) lead in; he was terrified, yet he acted as if he was not concerned. As he was lead in, a voice announced: “The court is in session!”. That is to say, the trial has begun.
During my attendance of the “Breakthrough to Revival” conference (Nov 95) in the Mt. Annan (south of Sydney, Australia) CLC, I had a brief vision: I saw the glory of the Lord remain over the city of Sydney for three days. The city looked as if enveloped in a mist, with the sunlight dimmed as if it was polar night over the city. There was no traffic in the city, no artificial lights of any kind and only a few people in the streets going about their “business”. They were walking half bent and occasionally “jerking” as they walked, a familiar sight at the renewal meetings where some people are affected by the anointing present and walk in this fashion.
As I thought about the vision, I believe that this will literally take place in near future (perhaps no later than the year 2000 Olympics). The glory of the Lord will fall over the city with all the communications cut off, so that people will realize that something awesome is taking place. They will not be able, and will be terrified, to get out of their homes. Only a few who have been “conditioned” with the presence of God’s anointing that is taking place in this renewal, will be able to get about and tell people that God is visiting us. This will bring in the “end time harvest” to the body of Christ.
On the morning of December 1, 95, I “saw” a diagram, kind of a curve of random distribution, could be a skewed normal or exponential, with an impression that we are now, with this renewal, at the very left hand end of the curve (marked “HERE”) and are about to enter the section where the curve starts to rise steeply.
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A diagram, kind of a curve of random distribution, with an impression that we are now, in this renewal phase, at the very left hand end, and the lower section of the curve and are about to enter the section where the curve starts to rise steeply, i.e. the anointing that is manifest in this renewal will “suddenly” increase! . The peak of the curve is still some way off and its tail a long, long way away. This revival will last for a long time!
I don’t know how this will come out when you receive it. We are HERE now and are about to enter the steep rise section of the curve, The decision on the “split” between the Toronto Airport Vineyard and the leadership of the Vineyard churches “leaked” on the internet on December 6, 95 and the very next day I had two brief visions:
In the first vision I saw the one dressed in white (the angel of the Lord) climb the stack (seen in the earlier visions) and, by bouncing on it up and down, compressed it to about two-thirds of its original height. The base of the stack aparently remained unaffected and the top section of its centre-pole was exposed and was standing upright and also unaffected. Then the one in white placed another (already correctly shaped) top of the stack so that the stack looked complete and whole.
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/////\\\\\ new top
It appears that the Lord has "bandaged" the split in the renewal leadership in His own way – He has relegated the "old top" downwards and placed a "new top" up.
As I inquired, it became clear to me that the "stack" all along represented the "fuel", which is this renewal, required to start the fire of the revival. The top of the "stack" is the leadership of the renewal. When I originally saw the split in the "stack" I thought about the split between the RHB and the TAV streams of the renewal; not in the wildest dream I could imagine that the split would occur within the Vineyard leadership. The split existed for quite some time, and the Lord showed me that there would be no revival unless the split was "bandaged". Now, He is telling us that He has "bandaged" it in His own way: He has installed the new leadership – still in the spiritual realm. It will be interesting to see how it will look to the natural eye.
In the second vision I was looking from a great height into an empty river bed. The river bed was still wet but there was no water flowing in it. I understood that I was standing at the top of the Niagara Falls and looking down into the river's bed with no water in it. Is this to say that the "Toronto Blessing" will stop flowing from Toronto?
As I inquired about this vision the Lord showed me that the vision is for "the latter time". Let's wait and see.
6th January 1997 comment: The whole of 1996 went by and I had no significant revelation on the future of the revival (in Australia and, by implication, in the rest of the world), but I read with interest numerous prophecies given to the individuals all over the globe. And most of them line up with each other!
Only a couple of days ago (4th January '97), on three occasions, as I closed my eyes a saw high mountains under a heavy snow cover. It looked to be the spring time, with snow starting to melt looking "pregnant": ready to start a mighty avalanche! My impression is that each continent, each country, each church, each individual are "pregnant" with the expectation of what God is going to do next!
3rd April 1997, at our regular Thursday night revival prayer meeting, I had the following vision:
A long convoy of "tall ships" (18th/19th century war ships) entering an Australian harbour, which looked as it probably looked before the first settlers arrived – no buildings, only the rain forest type wilderness. As the first couple of ships entered the bay, they turned to their left, with their sides facing the shore. There was a group of native warriors on the shore, looking on. I saw the ship's crew, dressed like the 18th century British soldiers, but I knew that they were angels. The nets were thrown overboard, hanging down the side of the ship; not the fishing nets, but the nets (somehow I knew) used by the crew to climb out of or into the ship. It appeared that they were made ready for the soldiers to climb out of the ship and invade the land. However, I saw nobody leaving the ship. Instead, the crew fired a couple of rounds from the heavy ship guns into the group of the natives, who didn't appear to be perturbed by this bombardment. Then suddenly the ships lifted the sails and went back, in a long convoy, from where they came. However, I saw one of the soldiers (angels) stay behind on the shore, out of the sight of the natives. I didn't see when and how he left the ship and got to the shore.
Interpretation: The ships and the soldiers represent the invading "heavenly army" who visited the shores of Australia – the revival that has touched the shores of this continent. However, the full scale invasion had not taken place; it was aborted for some reason – we have not experienced the full scale revival. The natives on the land represent the existing churches, who were actually armed to "protect" the land from the "invasion" – the churches were not willing to give up the land to this "invading army", to the revial. However, they have been fired at, and they know that the fleet may return any time. Indeed, the one left on shore is a sure sign that the "fleet" intends to return.
George Potkonyak
Hosanna Ministries
I heard from George Potkonyak this week that the Revival he was involved in went from 1995 – 1999.
Refreshing This Word was given to me several months before the Rosedale Revival broke out here in Southwest Virginia….it rings with even more importance today than it did back then. “I will bring waves of Glory and Refreshing upon cities and regions as my servants boldly obey Me with no regard for opposition or opinions of man. I am raising up a hungry people in this hour who refuse to receive anything less than my best! I have set people aside for this moment to receive all that I have destined; hungry people…hidden people, who have been alone with Me. Worship will be the catalyst for this move…songs from heaven will usher in my Glory. The things that I want to do in gatherings will be ushered in by passionate worship as my people abandon themselves in my presence. I will come and have my way. It is critical in this hour that people spend daily time with Me getting instruction and heart cleansing. In my presence I will wash away the stain and pain from their hearts as they move forward in the purpose that I have for them. Prayer is the foundation for the move of My Spirit. It is in prayer that my people hear from Me and are divinely prepared for what I am calling them to do. Prayer is Key! The Body must be called to prayer, not just prayer meetings and gatherings but also living a lifestyle of prayer, a lifestyle of surrender and a lifestyle of continual communication with Me!” Revival will only come to those that are hungry, those that will seek God and spend time in the secret place. As you experience God in His power and majesty, you crave His presence all the more and refuse to be satisfied without Him.
Ryan LeStrange
Australia is and will be home to the Greatest of All, True Man and Creator. His Return shall be swift, His Countenance Unparalleled. To Him there Is no comparison. The proud shall succumb, the weak shall strengthen. The loving shall cry and the arrogant shall repent. To He from Whom All came, shall All be Returned, thus is the Will of the Almighty and shall the Eternal Plan reach Fruition.
I AM going now. Expect chaos to rule. Indecision to become rampant. Thoughtlessness to prevail. God shall show man his own true nature, handing him over to a life apart from God. Man’s free will shall be thoroughly rewarded more than ever, those not choosing to Love the Lord with their own lives, shall be handed over to demons, the way it has always been. In time shall man return to his Creator. In time shall man see sense. In time shall man know the Truth. But not right now. Very few Love God, almost no one Knows God and even less deserve Eternal Life.
As near as I can tell, this prophecy states that Pr Daniel will LEAD this move, not “start” it or single-handedly bring it about. To me, that makes the distinction clear.
God can start a revival in any man who is willing. It starts from the inside of you and me. The word of God that becomes truth in us, with the Holy spirit giving life, will stir any man. God is all, faith will move mountains. God’s word is not just words but life. We need this life soaked in the HS makes us alive and on fire. Nothing then can stop us. It begins with faith, trust, and knowing the one who is far above all. Your trust should be in no man but God alone. Jesus is our leader, Yes he chooses man to guide, but that is one who puts their faith and trust in God, and prays continually, be it Pr Daniel, or Tom down the road, no matter who, your trust should still be in God.
the great revival, before the rapture, lets go!!
Revival is now happening in the hearts of God’s hidden ones!
Revival will come from the unexpected so that all man may know that God is God.
He will not share His glory with any man.
Let us continue to hunger and thirst for Him
Walk in the Spirit and you will not gratify the deeds of the flesh
What if the Lord decides to ignite a revival in Australia through a woman?
What if it starts in the home of a poor unknown person?
Not in the established religious gatherings?
Would the prophets of old be wrong in what they said?
No it would only prove to us that God is sovereign
So let revival begin
Let God reveal the hidden ones
Let the bride of Christ be unveiled
Even among the poor downtrodden and unknown
Yey even the uncelebrated ones
Grace upon grace
I am so encouraged by all of this. Wow! What an awesome prophecy for Australia – the greatest move of the Holy Spirit in the history of mankind — wow! Mind blowing!! It doesn’t get any better than that!! The rest of the world calls Australia “Down Under”. But it’s peculiar that God’s kindgdom is a topsy turvy kingdom in which the first will be last, and the last first. So Down Under will soon be Up Over. Haha. Praise God!! As a born and bred Aussie, I am stoked to say the least. And I want to add that it’s also so great to see comments from people who so obviously love our Lord and Saviour. It’s so inspiring. Thank you everyone. Love you all!!
Smith Wigglesworth is a great man of God indeed. I am a young pastor from Nigeria. I never knew much about him until I came across some of his messages and books. recent in 2014 i hard an encounter with him in a vision were he was seating on a chair and i was kneeling before him and i was crying, and suddenly a demon appeared and told me to leave him alone that he does not want to answer me. with anger in me i pick a stone and struck the demob but he refuse to leave and smith wigglesworth commanded the demon to leave, and off it went. and smith ask me if I want power then he laid his hand on me and ask me to Go and get his books. since then God has been doing great things. haleluya
My name is Benny, and I’m very moved by the powerful prophecy of the late Smith Wigglesworth.
I’ve started a YouTube channel called Love Joy Peace TV at the moment there’s 6 videos there.
I believe the 7th video (a powerful healing/miracles video) will be the dinner bell to many salvations.
I’m just waiting on the Lord, as I film this 7th exciting video!
I feel He said it’ll ‘go viral worldwide’
My is the channel:
Glory to God in the highest.
The Lord is preparing everyone!
2nd of June 2015 (2nd day of winter here in Australia).
I am in No CA, USA, and have read so many articles about Australia’s burst of LIGHT from our Lord God Almighty…many have come from Elijah List, others on various sites, but it is obvious that MANY ARE BEING CALLED INTO HIS ARMY “for such a time as this!” In some, His nudge has been so that is was impossible to miss and His command that we all begin REALLY “eating meat, rather than remaining on the milk” has become an issue of ABSOLUTE FAITHFULNESS “in a boldness” most of us have never seen or experienced…no more vapid, vacillating lacks and LARGE DAILY DOSES OF HOLY SPIRIT ACTIVITY! For many of us He has become an expanded POWER that throws us to our knees daily, even hourly! God bless us all! Lizzie
To all that acknowledge Jesus as Lord and God as Creator, be blessed. I feel promoted by His Holy Spirit to let others, Australia and aboard that all is well to those that hold faith in Him. I’m back slider from Australia that has fallen from His grace among the people that surround me. My light is dim but the source of that light swells within stronger and more eager to ignite than ever before. Be prepared leaders of God’s chosen for what might seem dire is truly not. For what has been sowed and dormant has not perished, as the source of man’s corruption losses it’s influence to empower the masses, those that received the seed will grow. Revival will not come from the influence of any man but from the Waters of Life. No man will understand why revival has come except to the power of His grace and favor for those that believe. God is all most ready to establish His kingdom through His Son on earth. Pray for those that are lost for soon they will be found and a great party will erupt and the believers will unite in praise and admiration to the King of Kings for this great revival. Praise to God of the most high through His Son, Jesus the Christ. Have faith.
I have been reading the above comments on revival, our church has been in repentance and prayer for many years for revival to flood not only our nation but The Great Southlands of the Holy Spirit, our Pacific neighbours. My prayer is for people of all denominations and races to gather together as one voice for REVIVAL. Revival is the eruption of God’s heart on a life poured out. In covenant the partener becomes the very alter on which the fire falls.
I believe we have to release the rivers of living water out of our bellies has we go into the high ways and the byways and market places and take the healing , delivering power of God to the peaple that sit in darkness in the shadow of death because the time is short and has we preach in the open air the sword of the spirit will smite the powers of darkness and bind the strong man and we can take his goods , let Jesus build His Church , and no more denominations . And we will see awakening and revival greater than we have ever seen in this earth our only desire is to see the fame of the Name of JESUS OUR KING THE LORD OF THE HARVEST.
The revival is to see and hear. The awakening if you see it, is what is called the ‘rapture’. Not us going to heaven, but heaven coming to earth, that is ‘thy will’. Heaven is God’s Throne, let us come boldly to the Throne and bring heaven with us that where we are He is. True light penetrates darkness, false light does not. Seek the true light and even if you are despised when you speak, the light will penetrate. It says arise shine for your light is come. If you are seeing light it is time to share.
If your looking for the fulfillment of prophecy, look at this, Christ in you the hope of glory, be a history changer. It says at the end of the book the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.
To Behold which means to look and see. Jesus said “Behold I make all things New’. This new is in activation now.
Fulfillment of prophecy is Christ glorified in you. The breath of His word will fulfill His word.