Catch the Fire Ministries has changed its name to Reformation Harvest Fire Ministries

October 11, 2016 – Raymond Ibrahim

At a time when Coptic Christians are suffering abuses “every two or three days” in Egypt, a Muslim woman in America has made a video calling for more Muslim hostility against the Christian minority, in this case, in the guise of an economic boycott.

In a video, Ayat Oraby—a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer who has nearly 1.5 million followers on Facebook—recently called the Coptic church a “bunch of gangsters,” a “total mafia” that “rules [Egypt] behind the curtains.”

She accuses the Christians of “stockpiling weapons in churches” and “striving to create a Coptic statelet” in order to continue waging “a war against Islam.”

Meanwhile, back in the real world, which consists of 196 nations, Egypt is the 22nd worst nation for Christians to live in; the persecution level that Christians experience is formally categorized as “severe.”  For decades Christian churches have faced immense restrictions that mosques, which liter Egypt’s landscape, do not; Coptic women and children are regularly abducted and sometimes forced to convert; entire Christian villages and churches are set aflame on the rumor that a Christian somewhere “blasphemed” against Muhammad on social media.

But Oraby is not one to be bothered with facts; according to the angry Muslima, Muslims need to be more hostile towards the Coptic Christians—whom she numbers as only 4.5 million—for they are “stockpiling weapons in their churches” in preparation of that day when they proclaim a “jihad” on Egypt’s 80 million Muslims and declare a “Coptic statelet.”

That Oraby hates Copts simply because they are Christians—as opposed to all her nonsensical talk of a hostile Coptic takeover—came out very clearly towards the end of her tirade, when she said: “They [Copts] must learn very well that the Crescent [Islam] must be above the Cross [Christianity.]”

In other words, her anger is not because the Copts pose a danger to Egypt’s Muslims, but because they dare to want equal rights—when they should know their place, that is, beneath Muslims, just as the Cross is well beneath the Crescent in Egypt.

Oraby is an old breed of Egyptian Muslim. Her ancestors—like the ancestors of practically every modern Egyptian Muslim—were Coptic Christians who, after Islam’s invasion in the 7th century, couldn’t handle the persecution and discrimination, and eventually sold out by converting to Islam. It irks Muslims like Oraby to no end to see the remaining descendants of Egypt’s indigenous Christians still defiantly holding out and even daring to call for the equality that her family only got by surrendering to Islam.

1 Response to “Why Egypt’s Muslims Resent Coptic Christians”

  1. 1 Kim Kee

    Sadly it is true that woman Oraby’s ancestors were once non muslims but gave in due to severe persecution against them. Islam will not tolerate others religions nor believers of other faiths. If they get a majority, they will use whatever means to enforce islam at all cost, they use tactics on gradual islimazation, change law, culture of the host country, rewrite history of the host country, create the art, make up their fake histories and on and on. Islam is a one way street you can convert to it but you can not come out of it if you do
    you will be severely persecuted in some cases to the point of death. I met a middle eastern man who said about 60 or 70 percent
    muslims are forced conversion because people give in out of fear. This is satanic, barbaric God Almighty never force people we love
    Him and accept Jesus Christ as His Son who is the only way to go to God and heaven voluntary not by force but by free will only then
    God gives us the authority to become His children and given us His Holy Spirit dwell in our spirits. We need God’s baptism of His Spirit
    to stand firm because we will be persecuted more and more. However, do not be afraid to those only kill the body but can not kill the spirit, rather fear Him the one True God manifested in Christ can kill the body, also soul and spirit cast to the lake of fire. True God
    is absolute love, truth, just, and goodness and power but the day of reckoning will come so stand firm, do not be afraid to suffer for Christ nor identify yourself as Christians persecution is normal in the Book of Acts. Have a blessed Christmas

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